Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > Administering Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop > Changing the Behavior of Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop >

Controlling How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles an Archived Item

Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop does not distinguish between items in Microsoft Outlook that Microsoft Outlook archives and items that the user deletes. If Microsoft Outlook archives an item, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop interprets this action as a deletion, and it deletes the corresponding Oracle CRM On Demand record in the Oracle CRM On Demand database. To modify this behavior, you use the archive_activity_days variable in the business_logic.js file. If the deleted Microsoft Outlook event contains the following:

  • An end date that occurs further in the past than the current system date minus the number of days that the archive_activity_days variable specifies, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop does not delete the corresponding Oracle CRM On Demand record.
  • An end date that occurs more recently than the current system date minus the number of days that the archive_activity_days variable specifies, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop deletes the corresponding Oracle CRM On Demand record.

The archive_activity_days variable is set to 7 by default. For example, assume you leave the archive_activity_days variable at the default value. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop does the following:

  • If a meeting occurred further in the past than the current system date minus 7 days, and if the meeting no longer exists in Microsoft Outlook, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop treats the meeting as an archived item. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop does not delete the corresponding Oracle CRM On Demand meeting from the Oracle CRM On Demand database.
  • If a meeting was scheduled to occur less than 7 days before the current system date, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop assumes the user intentionally deleted the meeting, and it deletes the corresponding Oracle CRM On Demand meeting from the Oracle CRM On Demand database.

To control how Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop handles archived items

  1. Open the business_logic.js file with a program that can edit JavaScript code.

    For more information, see Files in the Customization Package.

  2. Change the value for the var archive_activity_days attribute.
  3. Add your modification to a customization package.
  4. Publish the customization package.

    For more information, see Publishing or Unpublishing Customization Packages.

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