Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > XML Files Reference > XML Code to Map a Field in Microsoft Outlook Storage >

Form Element of the od_basic_mapping.xml File

The form element defines the ID of the form that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses to display the object that is defined in the type element. The form with the corresponding ID is described in the forms_xx.xml file. For more information, see XML Code to Customize Forms.

Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop includes the following attributes in the form element:

  • message_class. Defines the Microsoft Outlook message class for the form. The message class is an extension of native Microsoft Outlook message classes, for example, IPM.Contact.OnDemand.Contact, or IPM.Contact.OnDemand.Account.
  • icon. Defines the icon that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses to display the following objects:
    • The object that is defined in the type element in a Microsoft Outlook table view.
    • The icon views for small icons and list view modes.
    • A form caption icon, which displays in the top-left corner in front of the form caption. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop stores icons in the platform_images.xml file. The value of the icon attribute must be the key value of the required image.
  • large_icon. Defines the icon to use to represent the object that is defined in the type element when the user uses the large icons mode. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop stores icons in the platform_images.xml file. The value of the large_icon attribute must be the key value of the necessary image.
  • display_name. Defines the name that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop displays on the form caption.
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