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Customizing Meta Information

The od_meta_info.xml file contains the following meta information:

  • A description of the object types that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop supports.
  • Fields that are defined and the type for each field.
  • XML element names that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses to build or parse an Oracle CRM On Demand message. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses information about the relations between objects from the file for the Oracle CRM On Demand message.
  • The definition of each object that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop supports contains a unique name, an XML element, and an XML collection element that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses in an Oracle CRM On Demand message.

Every object field includes a name, an Oracle CRM On Demand data type, and an XML element. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses this information in an Oracle CRM On Demand message to display values and filters for that field. For more information, see XML Code for Meta Information.

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