Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > XML Files Reference > XML Code to Map a Field in Microsoft Outlook Storage >

Example Code of the od_basic_mapping.xml File

This topic gives one example of code that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses in the od_basic_mapping.xml file. You might use this feature differently, depending on your business model. The following code is an example of the od_basic_mapping.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <type id="Contact" predefined_folder="10">
         <form message_class="IPM.Contact.OnDemand.Contact" icon="type_image:Contact:16" large_icon="type_image:Contact:32" display_name="Contact">OnDemand Contact</form>
            <alt_messageclass ext="Private" display_name="Private Contact" icon="type_image:Contact.Private:16" large_icon="type_image:Contact.Private:32">OnDemand Contact</alt_messageclass>
            <custom_views default_name="#view_crm_and_personal_contacts">
               <view id="all_contacts" name="#view_crm_and_personal_contacts"></view>
             <field id=" First Name ">
                <reader class="mapi_std">
                   <mapi_tag id="0x3A060000"></mapi_tag>
                    <convertor class="string"></convertor>
                <writer class="Microsoft Outlook_std">
                     <Microsoft Outlook_field id=" FirstName "></Microsoft Outlook_field>
                     <convertor class="string"></convertor>
             <field id="Location">
                 <reader class="mapi_user">
                    <user_field id="od Location" ol_field_type="1"></user_field>
                    <convertor class="string"></convertor>
                 <writer class="Microsoft Outlook_user">
                    <user_field id="od Location" ol_field_type="1"></user_field>
                    <convertor class="string"></convertor>

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