Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > XML Files Reference > XML Code to Customize Toolbars >

Toolbars Element of the toolbars.xml File

The toolbars element is the root element of the toolbars.xml file. It describes the toolbar that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop adds to a native Microsoft Outlook form or Microsoft Outlook window. The caption attribute of the toolbars element defines the caption of the toolbar. The toolbars element includes the following tags:

  • for. Determines if Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop displays this element in a Microsoft Outlook window or Microsoft Outlook form. This depends if the element displayed is the explorer element or inspector element.
  • button. A description of a button on a toolbar. For more information, see Button Element of the Toolbars Element of the toolbars.xml File.

Button Element of the Toolbars Element of the toolbars.xml File

The button element includes the following attributes:

  • name. The caption for the button.
  • small_image. The resource ID of the icon that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses as the small icon for this button.
  • large_image. The resource ID of the icon that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses as a large icon for this button.
  • begin_group. Determines if Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop displays the separator of the toolbar button for this button. It is useful if you must group toolbar buttons.
Action Element of the Button Element

The button element includes the action element, which defines the action that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop calls if the user clicks the button. You can use a predefined action or write a custom action. You must set this action in the class attribute of the action element.

The action element includes the attachment element. To define attachment settings, you must define the following attributes of the attachment element:

  • type. The type of the attachment object.
  • name_field. The name of the field of the attachment object where Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop stores the name of the file.
  • body_field. The name of the field of the attachment object where Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop stores the body of the file.
  • linking_field. The name of the field of the attachment object where Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop stores the reference to the parent object.
Example Code of the Action Element of the Scriptable Action

Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop supports the scriptable action class. The action element of the scriptable action includes the id attribute. You can use the id attribute in a script to specify the action to perform. The following example specifies a button with a scriptable action:

<button id="new_account" name="#btn_new_account">
   <action class="scriptable" id="new_account"/>

In this example, Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop passes the value for the new_account attribute to the script when it handles the click event of the button. The script includes the predefined logic which the new_account attribute starts.

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