Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop > Third Party Options for Installing and Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop >

Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Using the Microsoft Group Policy Object

This topic describes how to use the Microsoft Group Policy Object to install Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop for each user. It includes an optional step that describes how to install it for anyone who uses the client computer. For detailed information on how to use the Microsoft Group Policy Object, see the Microsoft TechNet Web site.

To use the Group Policy Object to install Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

  1. Make sure the user runs Microsoft Outlook on the client computer at least one time.

    For more information, see Starting Microsoft Outlook Before You Install Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.

  2. Create an .MST transform file, using a third-party tool, such as Orca.

    This file contains the custom parameters that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop requires to complete an installation, for example, the name of the Oracle CRM On Demand server, and so on.

  3. Create the Group Policy Object as follows:
    1. Navigate to your Microsoft Active Directory environment.
    2. In the Group Policy Object Editor, create a package under the User Configuration section, not the Computer Configuration.
    3. Set the Deployment method of the package to Assigned.
    4. On the Deployment tab of the package Properties, select the Install this application at logon checkbox.
    5. On the Modifications tab, specify the network path that identifies the location of the .MST file and the .MSI file, for example:


    6. Optional. To install Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop for anyone who uses the client computer, set the ALLUSERS property to 1 in the Property table. You set this property in the transform file that you created in Step 2.
    7. Optional. Make sure the workstations where you install Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop can access the network path to the .MST file and the .MSI file that you specified in Step e.
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