Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > Installing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop > Third Party Options for Installing and Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop >

Using the Command Line to Set Optional Parameters

You can use the command line to set optional parameters that affect the installation. This topic includes the following information:

You can run the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe installation package from the DOS command line interface on the client computer. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop supports all parameters that can be set in the Windows Installer msiexec command line. For more information on command line options for the Windows Installer, see the Microsoft TechNet Web site.

To use the command line to set optional parameters

  1. Open a command line.
  2. Go to the directory that contains the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe file, for example:


  3. Enter the Windows Installer command using the following format:

    msiexec.exe /I Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe optional_parameter_1 optional_parameter_n


    • optional_parameter is a parameter you can enter that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop executes when you run the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe installation package, for example:

    msiexec.exe /I Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe INSTALLDIR=c:\My_Custom_Directory OL_PROFILE="test PST"

    Apply the following conditions:

    • You must specify each optional parameter in the same command line after the name of the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe file.
    • To separate each optional parameter, you must enter a space without a slash (/).
    • You can arrange optional parameters in any order.
  4. Press Enter.

    The Welcome dialog box of the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Setup wizard displays.

Abbreviating the Installation Procedure

If you do not want to install using the installation dialog boxes, then you can use the optional QR parameter. If you use the QR parameter, then the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe installation package does not display dialog boxes that require user action.

To use the QR parameter to abbreviate the installation procedure

  • Append the QR parameter to the msiexec command, for example:

    msiexec.exe /I Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe INSTALLDIR=c:\My_Custom_Directory OL_PROFILE="test PST" /QR

Setting the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Installation Directory

To change the default location of where the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe installation package saves files during installation, you can use the optional INSTALLDIR parameter. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe installs to the following directory for Microsoft Windows 7, by default:

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Oracle\CRM OnDemand Desktop\

To set the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop installation directory

  • Enter the following parameter on the msiexec command line anywhere after the mandatory Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe name parameter:


    For example:

    \Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe


    • username is the name of the user, such as WTAKUDA.

Setting the URL for the Oracle CRM On Demand Server

To specify the URL of the Oracle CRM On Demand server to which the synchronization engine connects, you can set optional parameters.

To set the URL for the Oracle CRM On Demand server

  1. Enter the following parameters on the msiexec command line anywhere after the mandatory Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe name parameter:



    • protocol is http, which is the default value.
    • host_name_or_address is the computer name or IP address of the target server. This parameter is empty by default. To use a fully qualified domain name for the server_address variable, you must set the EnableFQDN parameter in the configuration (cfg) file.
    • server_port is 443 for production environments. The default value is 80.
    • component_name is empty, which is the default value.
    • request_suffix is the following default value: Services/Integration/

      For example:

    msiexec.exe /I Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe ONDEMAND_SERVER_PROTOCOL=http ONDEMAND_SERVER_PORT=80 ONDEMAND_SERVER_COMPONENT= ONDEMAND_SERVER_SUFFIX= Services/Integration/

    No parameters are required.

Because any information that you define in these parameters sets the parameter values in the Windows Registry, the end user is not required to set them. For example, the protocol variable of the ONDEMAND_SERVER_PROTOCOL parameter overrides the Connector:Protocol entry in the Windows Registry. For more information, see Modifying the Windows Registry to Change Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Behavior. You can also use XML code to override the URL. For more information, see XML Code to Customize Forms.

Setting the Microsoft Outlook Profile for Oracle CRM On Demand

You can set the optional OL_PROFILE parameter in the msiexec command line. In the context of Oracle CRM On Demand, a Microsoft Outlook profile is the standard Microsoft Outlook concept that Oracle CRM On Demand uses to recall the email accounts and the settings that tell Microsoft Outlook where email is stored for the user. The OL_PROFILE parameter specifies the Microsoft Outlook profile where Oracle CRM On Demand is installed.

To set the Microsoft Outlook profile for Oracle CRM On Demand

  • Enter the following parameter on the msiexec command line anywhere after the mandatory Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe name parameter:



    my_profile is the name of the profile that is added in Microsoft Outlook.

    For example:

    msiexec.exe /I Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.5.0.0.x.exe OL_PROFILE="test PST"

Oracle CRM On Demand supports the following values for the OL_PROFILE parameter:

  • $DEFAULT. Oracle CRM On Demand uses the default profile or default folder file. The default profile is the profile that you specify in Windows by choosing the Start menu, navigating to Control Panel, Mail, Show Profiles, and then specifying a profile in the window of the Always Use This Profile option. The default folder is the folder that is specified for email delivery in the OL_PROFILE parameter.
  • $PREFERRED. The following conditions apply:
    • If you do not specify a value for the OL_PROFILE parameter, then Oracle CRM On Demand uses the value in $PREFERRED as the default value.
    • If you specify $PREFERRED as the value for the OL_PROFILE parameter, then Oracle CRM On Demand uses the same algorithm that it uses to determine the value of $DEFAULT. The exception is that if Oracle CRM On Demand does not find a default profile or finds a profile that is not valid, then Oracle CRM On Demand chooses any other suitable profile.
Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide, Version 5.2 Revision A Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.