Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Assignment Rule Groups and Assignment Rules >

Elements and Sections in the Assignment Rule Groups Output File

Table 73 describes the elements and sections in the assignment rule groups XML output file.

Table 73. Elements and Sections in the Assignment Rule Groups XML File
Element or Section

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The <AssignmentRuleGropup> section contains all of the information for a single assignment rule group.

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  <data:RecordType>Service Request
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<RecordType> contains the system name of the record type (object), which never changes.

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<RuleGroupName> contains the name of the assignment rule group.

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<Active> specifies whether this assignment rule group is active (true) or inactive (false).

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<UnassignedOwner> contains the User Sign In ID of the user who inherits the records that are not assigned by one of the rules in the rule group. This element is required.

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<UnassignedTerritory> is the territory that inherits the records that are not assigned by one of the rules.

The <UnassignedTerritory> element is applicable for assignment rule groups for the Account and Opportunity record types only. This element is ignored for upsert requests for assignment rule groups for other record types.

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<ReturnEmail> is the email address that appears in the Sender field in the email notifications that are sent to the owners of leads and service requests when the records are assigned to them by the assignment manager. Also, if the record owner replies to the email, then the To address in the return email is set to this email address.

The <ReturnEmail> element is applicable for assignment rule groups for the Lead and Service Request record types only. This element is ignored for upsert requests for assignment rule groups for other record types.

NOTE:  You can optionally turn off the email notification for individual assignment rules for the Service Request record type, by setting the <EmailNotification> element on the rule to false. You cannot turn off the email notification for assignment rules for the Lead record type.

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The <ListOfRule> section contains details of the rules for the rule group.

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The <AssignmentRule> section contains all of the top-level details for one rule in the rule group.

NOTE:  The team assignment and criteria information for a rule is not contained in the assignment rule group XML file. The team assignment and criteria information for a rule is contained in the assignment rule XML file only.

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<RuleName> contains the name of the rule.

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<Order> is the order number for the assignment rule within the rule group. It determines the order in which the assignment manager invokes a sequence of assignment rules. The rule numbered 1 is invoked first, followed by the rule numbered 2, and so on.

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<AssignTo> contains the User Sign In ID of the user to whom the record is assigned if the criteria on the rule are met. When the criteria on one rule are met, the record is assigned and subsequent rules are ignored.

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The <EmailNotification> element specifies whether an email notification is sent to the user to whom the record is assigned (true) or an email notification is not sent to the user (false). The default value is true.

The <EmailNotification> element can be set to false for assignment rules for the Service Request record type only. This element is ignored for upsert requests for assignment rules for other record types.

NOTE:  You cannot turn off the email notification for assignment rules for the Lead record type. No email notifications are sent for account and opportunity assignments, even if the <EmailNotification> element is set to true.

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<AssignToTerritory> is the territory to which the record is assigned if the criteria on the rule are met.

The <AssignToTerritory> element is applicable for assignment rules for the Account and Opportunity record types only. This element is ignored for upsert requests for assignment rules for other record types.

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<IncludeTeamAssignment> specifies whether the team members are assigned to the record (true), or the team members are not assigned to the record (false).

The <IncludeTeamAssignment> element can be set to true for assignment rules for the Account and Opportunity record types only. This element is ignored for upsert requests for assignment rules for other record types.

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<IncludeRelatedContacts> specifies whether the contacts that are linked to the account are assigned to the specified account owner and territory if the rule criteria are met (true), or the contacts that are linked to the account are not assigned to the specified account owner and territory (false). The default value is false.

The <IncludeRelatedContacts> element can be set to true for assignment rules for the Account record type only. This element is ignored for upsert requests for assignment rules for other record types.

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<IncludeRelatedOpportunities> specifies whether the opportunities that are linked to the account are assigned to the specified account owner and territory if the rule criteria are met (true), or the opportunities that are linked to the account are not assigned to the specified account owner and territory (false). The default value is false.

The<IncludeRelatedOpportunities> element can be set to true for assignment rules for the Account record type only. This element is ignored for upsert requests for assignment rules for other record types.

Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide, Release 38, Rev. A Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.