Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Custom Fields >

Elements and Sections in the Field Management XML Output File

Table 14 describes the elements and sections in the field management XML output file.

Table 14. Elements and Sections in the Field Management XML File
Element or Section


<IncludeAll> specifies whether the preconfigured configuration information is returned in addition to the customized configuration information (true), or if only the customized configuration information is returned. The default setting is false.


When the <IncludeAll> element is set to true, the service fetches all controls for the object, including child controls. If the child control fetched is an address field and the address field is part of the default address template, then the <DefaultAddressField> element is set to true, otherwise it is set to false. This element can then be used as a marker to identify the best address field of the set.


<ObjectName> contains the system name of the record type (object), which never changes.

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The <ListOfFields> section contains all of the customized field definitions for the record type.

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The <Field> section contains all of the elements for a single field.

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<Name> contains the system name of the field, which never changes.

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  <data:DisplayName>My Custom Field
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<DisplayName> contains the name that is used in the user interface, if no translated display names are provided.

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  <data:FieldType>Text (Short)</data:FieldType>
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<FieldType> specifies the type of field.

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<IntegrationTag> contains the custom integration tag name of the field. This tag can be modified by Oracle CRM On Demand users.

The default integration tag is of the format:


For example, stMy_Custom_Field is assigned to a custom field of type Text (Short) with the Display Name value of: My Custom Field.

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<GenericIntegrationTag> contains the default integration tag assigned to the field by Oracle CRM On Demand. This element cannot be modified by Oracle CRM On Demand users.

NOTE:  For non-custom fields, the <GenericIntegrationTag> and the <IntegrationTag> values are the same.

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<Required> specifies whether the field is a required field (true), or is not a required field (false).

If a condition is specified in the <RequiredCondition> element, then the <Required> element must be set to false.

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<RequiredCondition> can contain an expression that specifies the criteria that make the field required. If an expression is specified, then the field becomes required when the condition specified in the expression is met. In the example shown here, the field becomes required when the Customer value is selected in the Account Type field.

If the <Required> element is set to true, then the <RequiredCondition> element must not contain a value.

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<Optimized> specifies whether this is an optimized field (true) or is not an optimized field (false). Optimized fields are supported for certain record types only. For more information about optimized fields, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

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<ReadOnly> determines if the field is a read-only field (true) or is not a read-only field (false).

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<DefaultValue> contains the default value of the field, if one is defined.

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<FieldValidation> contains the validation rules for the custom field, if any are defined.

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<PostDefault> specifies whether the field is prepopulated with the default value when a new record is being created. If the <PostDefault> element is set to true, then the field is not prepopulated with the default value when the record is created, but if a value is not provided for the field before the record is saved, then the default value is assigned to the field when the record is saved.

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<DenormalizedControl> corresponds to the Related Information check box in field management. For certain record types, you can create custom related information fields. For those record types, the following fields are available on the Field Edit page in the UI: Related Information, Related Record Type, and Related Field. These fields are used only for creating custom related information fields. Most of the other fields on the Field Edit page become read-only fields after you select the Related Information check box. For more information about custom related information fields, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

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<DenormalizedAssociateControlName> corresponds to the Related Record Type picklist in field management.

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<DenormalizedControlName> corresponds to the Related Field picklist in field management.

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<ValidationErrorMsg> contains the error message that is displayed when a validation rule fails, if a message is defined.

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<ToolTipText> contains the tooltip text that is displayed for the field in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI, if tooltip text is defined.

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<Description> contains the description of the field.

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<TooltipFormat> specifies the format of the tooltip text, which can be HTML or Plain Text.

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The <ListOfFieldTranslations> section contains the translation values for the field.

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The <FieldTranslation> section contains the translation values for one language.

  • <LanguageCode> contains the three-letter code for a language. For the list of language codes, see Language Codes and Their Corresponding Language and Country.
  • <DisplayName> contains the display name for the field in the language identified by the language code.
  • <ValidationErrorMsg> contains the validation error message for the field in the language identified by the language code.
  • <ToolTipText> contains the tooltip text for the field in the language identified by the language code.
  • <Description> contains the description for the field in the language identified by the language code.

The precedence for determining the display name is as follows:

  1. The translation definition, if it is defined.
  2. The information contained in the <DisplayName> element, if it is defined and if the translation definition is not defined.
  3. The system name, if the translation definition and the <DisplayName> element are not defined.

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<SharedpicklistFlag> corresponds to the Enable Shared Picklist Values check box in field management. On certain record types, you can create a custom picklist field that takes its list of values from another picklist field on the same record type or on a different record type. The field from which the values are taken is referred to as the source field, and the field that shares the values from the source field is referred to as the destination field. For these record types, the following fields are available on the Field Edit page in the UI: Enable Shared Picklist Values, Shared Record Type, and Shared Field. For more information, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

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<SharedpicklistObject> corresponds to the Shared Record Type picklist in field management.


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<SharedpicklistControl> corresponds to the Shared Field picklist in field management.


For more information about field management, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide, Release 38, Rev. A Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.