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Commands for Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

The commands, feature names, and specific configuration data accepted by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client are case sensitive. As an example, the following command extracts an access profile named Service Manager:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read AccessProfile "Service Manager"

In this example, the following spellings are case sensitive:

  • The Read command must be spelled as Read (uppercase R).
  • The access profile feature must be spelled as AccessProfile (uppercase A and uppercase P).
  • The access profile, which is called Service Manager in the user interface, must be spelled exactly as it appears in the user interface. In this example, the name of the access profile contains a space, so it must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

Table 6 displays the exact spelling and case of the commands supported by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, and describes the purpose of each command.

Table 6. Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client Command Names
Command Name


The ReadAll command exports all configuration data of a specific type from an Oracle CRM On Demand server.

NOTE:  The ReadAll command does not return preconfigured configuration data. It returns only the customized configuration data. In addition, for features that support translation, a read operation returns the translation values only for the languages for which translation values have been entered.


The Read command exports a single set of configuration data of a specific type from an Oracle CRM On Demand server.

NOTE:  The Read command does not return preconfigured configuration data. It returns only the customized configuration data. In addition, for features that support translation, a read operation returns the translation values only for the languages for which translation values have been entered.


This command is used only for custom HTML head tag additions. It exports the custom HTML head tag additions for the Oracle CRM On Demand pages.


The Upsert command updates or inserts configuration data of a specific type to an Oracle CRM On Demand server, as required. The configuration data is provided in an input XML file that is specified in the command.


The InsertOrUpdate command updates workflow configuration data. The command updates a workflow configuration (that is, a workflow rule or a workflow action, or a workflow user set) if a matching configuration is found. If a matching workflow configuration does not exist, then the command inserts a new workflow configuration. The workflow configuration data is provided in an input XML file that is specified in the command.

NOTE:  This command is supported only for workflow rules, workflow actions, and workflow user sets.


The Delete command deletes a single set of configuration data from an Oracle CRM On Demand server.

NOTE:  This command is supported only for custom Web tabs, workflow rules, and workflow user sets.


The Create command creates a new field or set of fields based on the contents of the input XML file that is specified in the command.

NOTE:  This command is supported only for custom fields (field management).


The help command launches the user assistance provided with the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client.

Location of Output XML Files for Read and ReadAll Commands

By default, the output XML files that are created by the Read and ReadAll commands (and in some cases, the ReadForRuleSet command) are stored in a folder that is named for the feature. The path for the folder is as follows:

Installation directory\repository\Feature\

NOTE:  The repository folder is automatically created after you run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client the first time.

In the folder path:

  • Installation directory is the directory where you installed the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client on your computer, for example:

    C:\Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

  • Feature is a folder name that represents a feature for which the configuration data can be exported by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. The folder for the feature is automatically created by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client the first time that you export a configuration for that feature. The folder name is one of the following:
    • AccessProfile
    • ActionBarLayout
    • AssignmentRule
    • AssignmentRuleGroup
    • CascadingPicklist
    • ConcatenatedField
    • CustomHTMLHeadTag
    • CustomRecordType
    • Custom Web applets:
      • ActionBarCustomWebApplet
      • DetailPageCustomWebApplet
      • HomePageCustomWebApplet
      • HomeTabCustomWebApplet
    • CustomWebLink
    • CustomWebTab
    • DynamicLayout
    • EnableModificationTracking
    • FieldAuditSetUp
    • FieldManagement

      NOTE:  The FieldManagement folder holds the output that is generated when you extract the custom fields.

    • HomepageLayout
    • IntegrationEventQueue
    • ListAccessAndOrder
    • PageLayoutField
    • PageLayoutRelatedInformation
    • PageLayoutSection
    • Picklist
    • PickValueGroup
    • ProcessAdministration
    • RelatedInformationLayout
    • ReportFolder

      NOTE:  The ReportFolder folder holds the output that is generated for the role associations for all analytics folders, including folders where analyses are stored and folders where dashboards are stored.

    • Role
    • SalesAssessmentTemplate
    • SalesCategory
    • SearchLayout
    • WorkflowActionSet
    • WorkflowRuleSet
    • WorkflowUserSet

For example, when you run the Read or ReadAll commands to extract access profiles, the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client stores the XML files that it generates in the following folder:

C:\Oracle Migration Tool On Demand\repository\AccessProfile

Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide, Release 38, Rev. A Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.