Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Homepage Layouts >

Homepage Layouts

A homepage layout for a record type provides the most relevant information to different users for that record type. Most homepage layouts display the tasks related to the types of records that correspond to that page, for example, account-related tasks for the Accounts homepage. Generally, they also display filtered lists that have been defined by your administrator, and an analytic chart relevant to your work. Homepage layouts can also contain Web widgets, RSS feeds, and other Web content, depending on what your company administrator has set up. From the homepage for a record type, you can drill down to other pages to manage the various types of information as required.

Table 33 describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with homepage layouts. For more information about running these commands, see Extracting All Homepage Layouts.

Table 33. Commands Used with Homepage Layouts in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

ReadAll HomepageLayout

This command exports all homepage layouts for all objects.

Upsert HomepageLayout HomepageLayoutXML

This command updates or inserts a homepage layout, as required.

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