Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Search Layouts >

Elements and Sections in the Search Layout XML Output File

Table 50 describes the elements and sections in the search layout XML output file.

Table 50. Elements and Sections in the Search Layout XML File
Element or Section

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The <SearchLayout> section contains all of the information for a single search layout.

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<ObjectName> contains the system name of the record type (object), which never changes.

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<LayoutName> contains the name of the layout.

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  <data:LastUpdatedBy>10/17/2012 12:41:05
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<LastUpdatedBy> contains the date and time the layout was last updated.

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  <data:Description>This is a test layout.
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<Description> contains the description for the layout.

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The <ListOfSpecifySearchFields> section contains the details of the search fields for the layout.

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The <SearchLayoutField> section includes the following elements for a single search field:

  • <FieldName> contains the system name of the field, which never changes.
  • <SearchOptimization> indicates whether the field is optimized for fast search and whether it can be case insensitive in a search. For more information about this element, see About the SearchOptimization Element.
  • <Section> indicates which section of the search field layout the field appears in, as follows:
    • A value of 0 indicates that the field is in the Not Available Search Fields section.
    • A value of 1 indicates that the field is in the Targeted Search Fields section.
    • A value of 2 indicates that the field is in the Additional Search Fields section.
  • The <Order> element indicates the position of the field within the section of the search layout. In the Targeted Search Fields section and the Additional Search Fields section, the fields are numbered consecutively within the section. The first field in each section is numbered 0, the second field is numbered 1, and so on. All of the fields in the Not Available Search Fields section have their order number set
    to -1.

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The <ListOfDefineSearchResultsLayout> section contains the details of the search result fields for the layout.

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The <SearchLayoutField> section includes the following elements for a single search result field:

  • <FieldName> is the name of the field.
  • <SearchOptimization> indicates whether the field is optimized for fast search and whether it can be case insensitive in a search. For more information about this element, see About the SearchOptimization Element.
  • <Section> indicates which section of the search results layout the field appears in, as follows:
    • A value of 0 indicates that the field is in the Not Available Search Results Fields section.
    • A value of 1 indicates that the field is in the Lookup Window Search Results Fields section.
    • A value of 2 indicates that the field is in the Additional Search Results Fields section.
  • <Order> indicates the position of the field within the list of fields. In the Lookup Window Search Results Fields section and the Additional Search Results Fields section, the fields are numbered consecutively within the section. The first field in each section is numbered 0, the second field is numbered 1, and so on. All of the fields in the Not Available Search Results Fields section have their order number set to

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The <ListOfDefaultSearchValues> section contains all of the default values for the fields in the list of targeted search fields, corresponding to Step 3 in the Search Layout wizard in the UI.

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      <data:FieldName>Indexed Boolean 0
      <data:DefaultSearchValue>Is Checked
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The <DefaultSearchField> section includes the following elements for a single search field:

  • <FieldName> is the name of the field.
  • <DefaultSearchValue> is the default value for the field. The condition for a default search value depends on the field type and you cannot specify a different condition for most of the field types. However, for fields of the Check Box type, the value you specify in the <DefaultSearchValue> corresponds to a condition and you can specify either Is Checked, which is the default condition, or Is Not Checked.
  • <DefaultSearchValueAssocId> is the association ID (row ID) for a filter value for association control fields.

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<RestrictSearchToFieldsSelectedInRelatedInformationLayout> corresponds to the Restrict Search to Fields Selected in Related Information Layout check box in the UI. In certain cases where a field is not displayed in a list of related records, the setting in this check box is considered to determine if the field is available as a search field for searches of related records even though the field is not displayed in the list of related records.

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  <data:EnableDivisionAsDefaultSearchField>      false
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<EnableDivisionAsDefaultSearchField> corresponds to the Configure Lookup Window with Division as the Default Search Field check box in the UI. This element is applicable for search layouts for the Product record type only.

If this element is set to true, then the Division field is the default search field and it is prepopulated with the user's primary division.

If this element is set to false, then the Product Name field is the default search field, unless the <EnableFirstTargetedFieldAsLookupDefault> element is set to true, in which case the first field in the list of targeted search fields in the search layout is used as the default search field.

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<EnableDefaultFields> corresponds to the Configure Lookup Window With Default Fields check box in the UI. It determines which fields appear in the search results in the Lookup windows for the record type, as follows:

  • If this element is set to true, then a predefined set of fields is displayed in the search results in the Lookup windows for the record type.
  • If this element is set to false, then the fields that are configured as the search fields for the Lookup window are also displayed in the search results in the Lookup window.

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<EnableDefaultSearchResults> corresponds to the Show Search Results When Lookup Window Opens check box in the UI. It determines whether a list of available records is displayed in the Lookup window when it opens (true), or no records are displayed when the Lookup window opens (false).

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<EnableAutoResolve> corresponds to the Auto-Resolve Enabled check box in the UI. It determines whether smart associations are enabled (true) or are not enabled (false). Smart associations are automatic searches that make it easier for users to associate records of different record types, such as account, contact, opportunity, activity, and so on with each other. For more information about smart associations, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

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<EnableDefaultCtxSensitiveList> corresponds to the Show Context-Sensitive List as Lookup Window Default check box in the UI. It determines whether any available context-sensitive lists appear before the other lists in the record-type List field in the upper-left corner of Lookup windows (true), or appear after the system lists (false).

NOTE:  This check box is effective only if the Show Context-Sensitive List as Lookup Window Default option is set to Enabled on the company profile.

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<EnableKeywordSearch> corresponds to the Configure Enhanced Keword Search with Selected Search Results Fields check box in the UI. It determines which fields appear in the search results when an ehanced keyword search is performed for the record type, as follows:

  • If this element is set to true, then the fields that are configured as the search fields for the Lookup window are also displayed in the results of an enhanced keyword search.
  • If this element is set to false, then a predefined set of fields is displayed in the results of an enhanced keyword search.

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<EnableFirstTargetedFieldAsLookupDefault> corresponds to the First Targeted Search Field as Default Search in Lookups check box in the UI. It determines whether the first field in the list of targeted search fields in the search layout is used as the default search field in the Quick Filter in the Lookup window (true), or the preconfigured default search field is used (false).

NOTE:  For the Product record type only, the setting in the <EnableDivisionAsDefaultSearchField> element takes precedence over the setting of the <EnableFirstTargetedFieldAsLookupDefault> element.

About the SearchOptimization Element

The <SearchOptimization> element for a field in a search layout indicates whether the field is optimized for fast search and also whether the field can be made case insensitive by selecting the Case Insensitive check box in an advanced search or in the Refine List page for a list. The possible values are as follows:

  • A value of -1 indicates that the field is not optimized for fast search and is always case sensitive, regardless of the setting in the Case Insensitive check box in a search. The names of these fields appear in the default text color in the search layout wizard.
  • A value of 1 indicates that the field is optimized for fast search and is always case sensitive, even when the Case Insensitive check box is selected in a search. The names of these fields appear in green text in the search layout wizard.
  • A value of 2 indicates that the field is optimized for fast search and becomes case insensitive when the Case Insensitive check box is selected in a search. The names of these fields appear in blue text in the search layout wizard.
  • A value of 3 indicates that the field is not optimized for fast search and is always case insensitive, regardless of the setting in the Case Insensitive check box in a search. The names of these fields appear in purple text in the search layout wizard.
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