Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Workflow Rules, Action Sets, and User Sets >

Workflow Action Sets

A workflow action set is an ordered series of workflow actions of different types. The complete set of workflow actions is: CreateTask, Wait, SendEmail, CreateIntegrationEvent, FieldUpdate, AssignBook, SyncOwnerPartner, SyncBookPartner, SyncPartnerBooks, SubmitCall, and SubmitTransaction.

The SyncOwnerPartner, SyncBookPartner, and SyncPartnerBooks workflow actions are available only in Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management. For more information about these actions and how you can use them, see Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide, available from the Oracle CRM On Demand documentation library.

For more information about workflow actions, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Table 57 describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands that are used with workflow actions and workflow action sets. The commands are case sensitive. For examples of running these commands, see Migrating Workflow Action Sets.

Table 57. Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Commands for Workflow Action Sets

Read WorkflowActionSet WorkflowRuleName [WorkflowActionName] [ActiveFlag]

This command exports a set of workflow actions or a single workflow action for a specified workflow rule from an Oracle CRM On Demand server. The parameters are as follows:

  • WorkflowRuleName is the name of the workflow rule.
  • WorkflowActionName is the name of a workflow action on the specified rule. This is an optional parameter. However, if you do not want to specify a workflow action name, and if you want to use the ActiveFlag argument to filter the workflow actions that are exported, then you must specify an empty value for the WorkflowActionName parameter. An empty value is specified as a set of double quotation marks ("").
  • ActiveFlag is an optional argument that you can use to filter the workflow actions that are exported, based on the value of the Active check box on the workflow actions. The valid values are true (the Active check box is selected) and false (the Active check box is not selected).

ReadForRuleSet WorkflowActionSet RecordType TriggerEvent

This command exports all the actions for each workflow rule that is based on the specified record type and trigger event from an Oracle CRM On Demand server.

Upsert WorkflowActionSet WorkflowActionSetXML

This command updates or inserts a workflow action set on an Oracle CRM On Demand server.

NOTE:  When you use the Upsert command, you must include all of the definition for the workflow action set in the XML file. Otherwise, some content might be unintentionally removed when you run the Upsert command, because the Upsert command deletes any existing workflow actions for which it does not find a match in the input XML file. For example, if the existing actions for a trigger event are not part of the XML file used for the Upsert command, then these actions are deleted.

InsertOrUpdate WorkflowActionSet WorkflowActionSetXML

This command updates a workflow action set if there is a matching workflow action set. If there is not a matching workflow action set, then the command inserts a new workflow action set.

NOTE:  Unlike the Upsert command, the InsertOrUpdate command does not delete any existing workflow action for which it does not find a match in the input XML file.

Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide, Release 38, Rev. A Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.