Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Web Services On Demand API Calls > Administrative Services API Calls >


Extracts list configuration data.


Use the ListRead method to read list configuration data.

You can use the following elements of apQuery:List to query lists:

  • <RecordType>
  • <ListName>
  • <ListType>
  • <CreatedByAlias>
  • <ModifiedByAlias>

You can read the following types of list:

  • Public lists. No privileges are required to read public lists.
  • Private lists. To read private lists defined by all users in the company, the Manage Private Lists privilege is required. No privilege is required to read private lists created by the currently logged in user.
  • Role-specific lists. To read all role-specific lists defined for the company, the Manage Public Lists privilege is required.
  • System lists. To return system lists you can specify System for <ListType>. Otherwise, if the <IncludeAll> child element of apQuery:List specifies true, the ListRead method returns all lists including system lists. If <IncludeAll> specifies false, or is not included in the request, the method returns all configuration data except system list data.

NOTE:  If the ListRead method is invoked with any search fields other than <RecordType>, or <ListType> with a value other than System, then even if <IncludeAll> is true, the system lists are not returned.

Table 134 shows which lists you can read when you have the Manage Public Lists or Manage Private Lists privilege:

Table 134. Privileges and Access to Lists
Manage Public Lists
Manage Private Lists
Private Lists
Role-specific Lists
Public Lists








Private lists created by currently logged in user only






Lists for currently logged in user's role only




Private lists created by currently logged in user only

Lists for currently logged in user's role only


NOTE:  Lists for the current user's role can include lists not created by the current user.

The lists returned can include private lists with the same name, bur created by different users, and role specific lists with the same name, but for different roles.

The following data is returned in apData:List:

  • RecordType. The record type.
  • ListName. The name of the list in the language of the currently logged-in user.
  • ListType. The type of list; possible values are: Public, Private, Role Specific, System.
  • CreatedByAlias. The alias of the user who created the list.
  • ModifiedByAlias. The alias of the user who last modified the list.
  • RoleName. For role specific lists only, the role to which the list is applicable.
  • CreatedById. The identifier of the user who created the list.
  • ModifiedById. The identifier of the user who last modified the list.
  • CreatedDate. The date and time the list was created.
  • ModifiedDate. The date and time the list was last modified.
  • Description. A description of the list.
  • SearchIn. The record set from which records are returned, for example, All records I can see, All records I own.
  • CaseInsensitiveFlag. Whether fields are case sensitive in searches.
  • LanguageCode. For system lists, the language code for the currently logged in user. For other lists, the language code in which the list was created.
  • ListOfFilterInformation. The filter information for the list, contained in child elements of the <FilterInfo> element:
    • Conjunction. The operator And or Or.
    • FieldName. The system name of the field.
    • Condition. The condition for the filter.
    • FilterValue. The filter value.
    • FilterValueAssocId. The association ID (row ID) for a filter value for association control fields such as Contact Full Name, Account Name, Owner Alias, and so on, where the condition is Equal to.
  • ListOfSelectedFields. The fields selected for display in search results contained in child elements of the <SelectedFieldInfo> element:
    • SelectedField. The system name of the field.
    • SortOrder. The sort order of a field used for sorting of search results: ASC for ascending or DESC for descending.
    • SortPosition. The position of a field within the list of fields used for sorting

For more information about working with lists, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.


Table 135 describes the arguments taken by the ListRead method.

Table 135. Arguments Taken by the ListRead Method


The list query criteria.


Not applicable



The extracted list configuration data.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The list data is returned.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 26.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 38) Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.