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Updates existing search layout data or inserts new search layout data.


Use the SearchLayoutUpsert method to insert or update search layout data.

The apdata:SearchLayout argument contains the following elements containing search layout data:

  • ObjectName. The name of the object (required).
  • LayoutName. The name of the search layout, which must be unique for an object (required).
  • LastUpdatedBy. The date and time the layout was last updated.
  • Description. A description of the search layout.
  • ListOfSpecifySearchFields. Contains all of the fields specified for the search, corresponding to Step 2 in the Search Layout wizard in the UI. The field data is contained in the following child elements of <SearchLayoutField>:
    • FieldName. The system name of the field.
    • SearchOptimization. An integer value as follows (read-only):
      • -1. The field is not optimized for search and is always case sensitive (default text color in UI).
      • 1. The field is optimized for fast search and is always case sensitive (green in UI).
      • 2. The field is optimized for fast search and becomes case-insensitive when the Case Insensitive check box is selected in a search (blue in UI).
      • 3. The field is case-insensitive regardless of the Case insensitive check box and is not optimized for fast search (purple in UI).
    • Section. An integer identifying the section of the search layout in which the field appears:
      • 0. Not Available Search Fields.
      • 1. Targeted Search Fields.
      • 2. Additional Search Fields.
    • Order. The order of the field within the section, starting with 0 for the field at the top of the section. For the Not Available Search Fields section, where the fields are not ordered, all values for fields are -1.
  • ListOfDefaultSearchValues. Contains all of the default values for the fields in the list of targeted search fields, corresponding to Step 3 in the Search Layout wizard in the UI. The field data is contained in the following child elements of <DefaultSearchField>:
    • FieldName. The system name of the field (read-only), which you can use as a user key. You can use the FieldManagementRead method to obtain the system name of the field.
    • DefaultSearchValue. The default value for the field. The condition for a default search value depends on the field type and you cannot specify a different condition for most of the field types. However, for fields of the Check Box type, the value you specify in the <DefaultSearchValue> corresponds to a condition and you can specify either Is Checked, which is the default condition, or Is Not Checked.
    • DefaultSearchValueAssocId. The association ID (row ID) for a filter value for association control fields.
  • ListOfDefineSearchResultsLayout. Contains all of the fields specified for the search results, corresponding to Step 4 in the Search Layout wizard in the UI. The field data is contained in the following child elements of <SearchLayoutField>:
    • FieldName. The system name of the field.
    • SearchOptimization. An integer value as follows (read-only):
      • -1. The field is not optimized for search and is always case sensitive (default text color in UI).
      • 1. The field is optimized for fast search and is always case sensitive (green in UI).
      • 2. The field is optimized for fast search and becomes case-insensitive when the Case Insensitive check box is selected in a search (blue in UI).
      • 3. The field is case-insensitive regardless of the Case insensitive check box and is not optimized for fast search (purple in UI).
    • Section. An integer identifying the section of the search results in which the field appears.
      • 0. Not Available Search Results Fields.
      • 1. Lookup Window Search Results Fields.
      • 2. Additional Search Results Fields.
    • Order. The order of the field within the section, starting with 0 for the field at the top of the section. For the Not Available Search Fields section, where the fields are not ordered, all values for fields are -1.
  • EnableDivisionAsDefaultSearchField. Whether the search layout for the Product record type lists products by division. Corresponds to the Configure Lookup Window with Division as the Default Search Field check box in the UI.
  • EnableDefaultFields. Whether default search fields are used for the Lookup window. Corresponds to the Configure Lookup Window With Default Fields check box in the UI.
  • EnableDefaultSearchResults. Whether the list of available records is displayed in the Lookup window for the object when it is opened. Corresponds to the Show Search Results When Lookup Window Opens check box in the UI.
  • EnableAutoResolve. Whether smart associations are enabled. Corresponds to the Auto-Resolve Enabled check box in the UI.
  • EnableDefaultCtxSensitiveList. Whether context sensitive lists appear before the other lists in the record type List field in the upper-left corner of the Lookup window. Corresponds to the Show Context-Sensitive List as Lookup Window Default check box in the UI.
  • EnableKeywordSearch. Whether the results page for enhanced keyword search displays the set of fields defined in the search layout. Corresponds to the Configure Enhanced Keyword Search with Selected Search Results Fields check box in the UI.
  • EnableFirstTargetedFieldAsLookupDefault. Whether the first field in the list of targeted search fields in the search layout is used as the default search field in the Lookup window. Corresponds to the First Targeted Search Field as Default Search in Lookups check box in the UI.
  • RestrictSearchToFieldsSelectedInRelatedInformationLayout. Whether the search is restricted to fields in the related information layout for the object. In certain cases, this setting is not considered. For more information about these cases, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

See Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help for more information about searching and managing search layouts in Oracle CRM On Demand.

See Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide for reference tables about the mappings of object names to the display names for the objects in the Oracle CRM On Demand user interface.


Table 174 describes the arguments taken by the SearchLayoutUpsert method.

Table 174. Arguments Taken by the SearchLayoutUpsert Method


The search layout data to be inserted or updated.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 26.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 38) Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.