Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Web Services On Demand API Calls > Administrative Services API Calls >


Extracts workflow action configuration data.


Use the WorkflowActionSetRead method to extract a workflow action set associated with a workflow rule.

The workflow rule is specified with the <WorkflowName> child element of apQuery:WorkflowActionsSet. If only <WorkflowName> is specified, all workflow action sets are returned.

If the value of <Version> is 31 or higher:

  • You can read individual workflow actions by specifying a values for the <Name> element of apQuery:WorkflowActionQuery.
  • You can read all the active workflow actions by specifying the <Active> element of apQuery:WorkflowActionQuery.
  • You can use the child elements of <WorkflowEmailTranslation> to read the translations of the email subject and message body for the Send Email workflow action, for each language activated for your company, and if translations are available. For more information about the Send Email action, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.
  • You can use the <BookExpr> and <ReplaceBookExpr> child elements of WorkflowAssignBookAction to specify books assigned using the Assign a Book workflow action.
  • The <Order> element is returned for each workflow action. For each workflow action, the <Name> and <Active> elements are also returned, otherwise only fields included in the request are returned.

See WorkflowActionSetUpsert for information about the workflow action data specified in apQuery:WorkflowActionSet.


Table 176 describes the arguments taken by the WorkflowActionSetRead method.

Table 176. Arguments Taken by the WorkflowActionSetRead Method


The workflow action query criteria.


Not applicable



The extracted workflow action data.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The workflow action data is returned.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 26.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 38) Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.