Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Web Services On Demand API Calls > Administrative Services API Calls >


Extracts company profile data.


Use the CurrentOrganizationRead method to extract company profile data.

The apdata:CurrentOrganization argument contains the elements for company profile data. In the following sections, the elements are grouped according to section name in the Company Profile page in the UI. You can infer the display names of the company profile settings from the associated element names. For information about the company profile settings, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Company Key Information

The elements related to company key information are as follows:

  • CompanyName
  • SignInId
  • Location
  • WebSite
  • NumberOfEmployees
  • MainPhone
  • MainFax
  • PrimaryContact
  • Status
Company Contact Information

The elements related to company contact information are as follows:

  • BillingCity
  • BillingCountry
  • BillingPostalCode
  • BillingProvince
  • BillingAddress1
  • BillingAddress2
  • ShippingCity
  • ShippingCountry
  • ShippingPostalCode
  • ShippingProvince
  • ShippingAddress1
  • ShippingAddress2
Company Settings

The elements related to company settings are as follows:

  • DefaultLanguage
  • DefaultLocale
  • DefaultCurrency
  • DefaultTimeZone
  • RecordPreviewMode
  • InlineEditEnabled
  • MessageCenterEnabled
  • RecordTypeAuditableFields
  • AuditExpiry
  • RelatedInfoFormat
  • EnhancedViewforTabsEnabled
  • ClassicThemePagingforTabsEnabled
  • OrderUsage
  • DynamicLayoutPersonalizationEnabled
  • WebAppletsTranslationEnabled
  • WorkflowMessageTranslationEnabled
  • GlobalSearchMethod
  • FiscalYearStartMonth
  • FiscalYearStartDate
  • FiscalCalendarType
  • ProductProbabilityAveragingEnabled
  • SaveAndAddProductEnabled
  • OpportunityRevenueSplitEnabled
  • HeadUpDisplay
  • ListHeaderFreeze
  • SharedAddressesEnabled
  • ValidateSharedAddresses
  • RecordTypeListsinLookupWindows
  • ProvincePicklistEnabled
  • ExcludeVehicleOrAssetRecordsfromPortfolio
  • AutomaticUpdateofOpportunityTotalsEnabled
  • UnicodeCharInEmail
  • ExportRequestExpiryDays
  • ExportRequestAttachmentExpiryDays
  • SaveEmailAddressInLowerCase. This corresponds to the Store Email in Lower Case setting in the UI.

    NOTE:  If your company saved email addresses in mixed case in the past, and if the Store Email in Lower Case check box is selected, then errors can occur when you attempt to use Web services requests or REST API requests on records such as user and contact records where the email addresses are in mixed case. If such issues arise, and if your company wants to store all email addresses in lowercase, then you must update the email addresses that are currently stored in mixed case and change them to lowercase. To edit the email addresses, you must first deselect the Store Email in Lower Case check box. After you finish editing the email addresses, select the Store Email in Lower Case check box again.

  • EnableHTMLFormattingFlag
  • EmailExpiryDays
  • EmailAttachmentExpiryDays
Company Work Week and Calendar Settings

The elements related to work week and calendar settings are as follows:

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • DisplayEventsInCalendar
  • CalendarWeekStartDay
  • BusinessHoursStartTime
  • BusinessHoursEndTime
  • ActivityReminder
Lead Settings

The elements related to lead settings are as follows:

  • ConvertOnlyEditableActivities
  • OwnerFullNameRatingandSalesPersonarerequiredtoQualifyaLeadEnabled
  • AutoUpdateSalesPersonFlag
Company Theme Settings

The elements related to theme settings are as follows:

  • ThemeName
  • TabletTheme
Company Data Visibility Settings

The elements related to data visibility settings are as follows:

  • ManagerVisibilityEnabled
  • ParentTeamInheritanceforContactEnabled
  • ParentTeamInheritanceforOpportunityEnabled
  • DefaultGroupAssignment
  • BooksEnabled
  • BookSelectorEnabled
  • BookMergeEnabled
  • DisplayParentBookHierarchy
Integration Settings

The elements related to integration settings are as follows:

  • IntegrationEventEnabled
  • WorkflowEnabled
  • WebServicesR16CompatibilityMode
  • IncludeWebLinkURLsInExport
Company Security Settings

The elements related to company security are as follows:

  • CompanyIdleTimeout
  • CompanyIdleTimeoutWarning
  • AuthenticationType
  • ExternalIdentifierforSingleSignOn
  • SignInPageforUseridOrPwdAuthentications
  • SignInPageforSSOAuthentications
  • CrossSiteRequestForgeryProtectionEnabled
  • IFRAMEembeddingEnabled
  • CrossSiteScriptingActionCode
  • ConvertURLTextValuestoLinksFlag

The apdata:CurrentOrganization argument also contains the following elements related to the feature that restricts access to the system to specific IP address ranges:

  • CompIPRestrictionEnabled. Whether IP Address Restrictions Enabled is set for your company.
  • CompAllowedIP. The range of IP addresses that are allowed to access the system.
  • ListOfRoleIPRestrictions. For each user role, the IP address restriction data is contained in the following child elements of <RoleIPRestrictions>:
    • RoleName. The name of the role.
    • RoleIPRestrictionEnabled. Whether IP Address Restrictions Enabled is set for the role.
    • RoleAllowedIP. The range of IP addresses for the role that are allowed to access the system.

For more information about the IP address restriction feature, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Analytics Visibility Setting

The elements related to analytics visibility are as follows:

  • ReportingSubjectArea
  • HistoricalSubjectAreas
  • RoleBasedCanReadAllRecords
Communications Settings

The elements related to communications settings are as follows:

  • SendEmailonUserProfileUpdate
Additional Information

The elements related to additional information are as follows:

  • LicensedUsers
  • ActiveUsers
  • InactiveUsers
  • TrialEndDate
  • ModifiedBy

The fields returned include the ActiveUsers and LicensedUsers fields. When administrators add, remove, inactivate, and activate users, or report on monthly user adoption, it is important to know the active and current license counts. The ActiveUsers and LicensedUsers fields allow you to use automated tools to report licensing information.

Geocoder Settings

The element related to geocoder is as follows:

  • GeocoderEnabled


Table 92 describes the arguments taken by the CurrentOrganizationRead method.

Table 92. Arguments Taken by the CurrentOrganizationRead Method


The company profile data.


Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The company profile data is returned. See Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help for information about the company profile settings.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 26.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 38) Copyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.