Install the Plug-In

After you have downloaded the Oracle VM Storage Connect Plug-In for Oracle Flash Storage Systems, you can install the plug-in on the intended Oracle VM Server host.

Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) installer file is already present on the Oracle VM Server.
The installation RPM package is osc-oracle-oraclefs-n.n.n.el6.noarch.rpm, where n.n.n is the version number.
  1. From the Oracle VM Server host, issue the following command to install the RPM file:
    rpm -ivh osc-oracle-oraclefs-n.n.n.el6.noarch.rpm
  2. Issue the following command to verify installation of the RPM file:
    rpm -qa | grep osc-oracle-oraclefs

    Result:The system returns the file name if the installation was successful.
  3. Rediscover the Oracle VM Server upon which you performed the software update. To rediscover the Oracle VM Server, in Oracle VM Manager, on the Servers and VMs tab, right-click the Oracle VM Server, and then select Rediscover Server.
    Refer to the Oracle VM documentation available on the Oracle Technical Network ( for instructions.
Note: Only restart the Oracle VM through the Management Interface to avoid disrupting any Virtual Machines.

You can create an administrator account on the Oracle FS System for the sole purpose of Oracle VM administration. The account role you choose determines the privileges granted to this account. Create an Administrator 1 account for the sole purpose of Oracle VM administration at the earliest opportunity.