Barcode Reader Setup Methods

A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data. Barcodes are used to quickly order items. Workstation operators scan barcodes using barcode scanners attached to workstations. When a barcode is scanned, the workstation software processes the data and matches it with a menu item configured in the Simphony database.

The following two methods allow you to configure barcode menu item ordering:
  • Use the Barcodes module from the EMC

  • Use the number lookup (NLU) method

The following table outlines the differences between the two methods:

Table 42-6 Barcode Reader Setup Methods

Barcodes Module Method NLU Method

Greater configuration flexibility

Less flexible configuration

More complex configuration

Simplified configuration

Associate many different barcodes with the same menu item (for example, pricing chewing gum items the same)

Not supported

Associate two different prices of one definition with different barcodes (for example, small or large coffee)

Not supported

Allows up to 14-digit barcode

Allows up to 12-digit barcode