Creating Menu Item Classes for Condiment Groups

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Classes
  2. Insert a new record, enter the class name, and double-click the new record.
  3. On the General tab, select the Condiment Order Type from the drop-down list.
    This setting describes how the condiment is added to a check when it is ordered:
    • 0 - Add: Select to create a new item on the check even if it already exists for that parent.

    • 1 - Increment: Select to add the item if it does not exist for the parent or increments an existing one.

    • 2 - Replace In Condiment Group: Select to remove any items that exist in the item’s member condiment group before adding it (this simulates a radio button effect).

    • 3 - Replace In Master Group: Select to remove any items that exist in the item’s master group are before adding it.

    • 4 - Toggle: Select to toggle the item on and off.

  4. Click the Options tab, and then select 2 - ON = Condiment Menu Items; OFF = Regular Menu Items.

    When you select this option, Simphony updates the Type column in table view to Condiment for this menu item class. For a menu item to be a condiment, it must belong to a class where at least one Member Condiment Group is enabled.

  5. To set no charge for the condiments in this class, select 8 - Allow Menu Items in this Class to be Non-Priced.
  6. To set each condiment in this class to print to a specific order device, select 22 - ON = Use Own Output Link; OFF = Use Parent's (Condiments Only).

    By default, the ideal setup of a condiment group class is to keep this option deselected and to select all order devices as the output. This ensures that the condiment always follows the parent item to its order devices. This option does not apply to Condiment Prefixes.

  7. To override order device programming of the parent menu item, select 58 - Condiment order device programming overrides that of parent.

    When this option is selected, order devices programmed for the condiments class overrides the order devices defined for parent menu items. Use this option in a situation where a menu item is sent to a different order device when a specific condiment is added. For example, a Muffin served at room temperature outputs to the Pantry Order Device. Warm is set to output to the Hot Order Device. When the Condiment Warm with this option set is added to the Menu Item Muffin, the Muffin will use the Order Device output of the Warm Condiment and go to the Hot Order Device instead of the usual Pantry. This option does not function if the menu item is a Condiment Prefix.

  8. Click the Condiment Groups tab, and then select the Member Condiment Groups for the class.

    For example, if the condiment class is Deli Meat Class, select Meat Group from the Member Condiment Groups list.

  9. Click Save.
  10. Repeat Steps 2 through 9 to create menu item classes for all condiment groups.