Creating Cash Management Touchscreens and Dashboard

Oracle Hospitality recommends that you create a page with tabs on which to place the cash management functions. Create and configure tabs to show operations by receptacle type. Create buttons on the page for the required cash management functions listed. The following figure shows an example of a page with cash management functions created in the Page Design module.

Figure 49-2 Cash Management Touchscreen in Page Design

This figure shows an example of a page with cash management functions created from the Page Design module.
You can also add the Cash Management Dashboard to page layouts using the Page Design module. The Dashboard lets managers view:
  • The number of each type of open receptacle

  • A summary level and detail view of each type of open receptacle

The Dashboard also includes one-button navigation to open, count, adjust, transfer, and finalize receptacles.

Option 1 - Enable Cash Management must be set in the Cash management Parameters module to use the Cash Management Dashboard.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or revenue center, click Configuration, and then click Page Design.
  2. Open the page on which to place cash management buttons.
  3. On the Edit tab, select the page area in which to define the cash management functions.
  4. Create tabs for Safe, Bank Deposit, Till, Server Bank, Petty Cash, General, and Payments.
  5. On each tab, create buttons for each of the functions listed in the following table.

    Table 49-7 Cash Management Tabs and Buttons

    Tab Button Name Function


    Add Funds

    Add money to the safe.

    Adjust Count

    Correct values from the previous count.

    Change Count Sheet

    Adjust the count sheet that workstations operators use to perform a count.

    Close Receptacle

    Close the safe’s tracking session.

    Count Receptacle

    Count the money in the safe.

    Deposit Cash

    Deposit cash from the safe to a bank deposit.

    Open New Change Order Request

    Open a Change Order when a safe is low on a particular denomination or to stock up for an event.

    Open New Receptacle

    Open a new safe tracking session.


    Accept funds for the safe outside of a guest check.


    Distribute funds from the safe outside of a guest check.

    Remove Funds

    Remove money from a safe session and from tracking.

    Transfer Funds

    Transfer money from the safe to another receptacle.

    Bank Deposit

    Adjust Bank Deposit Reference

    Change the reference of a bank deposit session.

    Adjust Cash Deposit

    Change the amount of a cash deposit that was placed into the bank deposit session.

    Open New Receptacle

    Open a new bank deposit tracking session.

    Reconcile Bank Deposit

    Close the bank deposit.

    Transfer Funds

    Transfer money from the bank deposit to another receptacle.


    Adjust Count

    Correct values from the previous count.

    Adjust Till Starting Amount

    Change the starting amount of a till session after opening it.

    Assign Till to Cash Drawer

    Assign a till to a cash drawer.

    Assign User(s) to Till

    Assign one or more operators to the till session on the workstation.

    Audit Receptacle (Till)

    Perform a count without closing the till session irrespective of the Close on Count Completion option.

    Change Count Sheet

    Adjust the count sheet that workstations operators use to perform a count.

    Close Receptacle

    Close the till’s tracking session.

    Count Receptacle

    Count the money in the till.

    Deposit Cash

    Deposit cash from the till to a bank deposit.


    Accept funds for the till outside of a guest check.


    Distribute funds from the till outside of a guest check.

    Pull Cash

    Remove cash from the till session.

    Quick Start Till

    Quickly assign a workstation operator and till to a cash drawer on the workstation.

    Transfer Funds

    Transfer money from the till to another receptacle.

    Unassign Till from Cash Drawer

    Restrict the till to a limited number of operations. This function does not close the till.

    Unassign User(s) from Till

    Prevent the workstation operator from performing transactions on the till. This function does not close the till.

    Server Bank

    Adjust Count

    Correct values from the previous count.

    Adjust Server Bank Starting Amount

    Change the starting amount of a till session after opening it.

    Close Receptacle

    Close the server bank’s tracking session.

    Count Receptacle

    Count the money in the server bank.

    Deposit Cash

    Deposit cash from the server bank to a bank deposit.


    Accept funds for the server bank outside of a guest check.


    Distribute funds from the server bank outside of a guest check.

    Pull Cash

    Remove cash from the server bank session.

    Transfer Funds

    Transfer money from the server bank to another receptacle.

    Petty Cash

    Adjust Count

    Correct values from the previous count.

    Close Receptacle

    Close the petty cash tracking session.

    Count Receptacle

    Count the money in petty cash.

    Deposit Cash

    Deposit cash from the petty cash to a bank deposit.

    Open New Receptacle

    Open a new petty cash tracking session.


    Accept funds for petty cash outside of a guest check.


    Distribute funds from petty cash outside of a guest check.

    Transfer Funds

    Transfer money from petty cash to another receptacle.


    Cash Management Dashboard

    View the number of each type of open receptacle session, see summary level and detail of each type of open receptacle session, and open, count, adjust, transfer, and finalize receptacle sessions using a button.

    View Receptacle Status

    Look at summary information for all receptacle sessions.

    Till Assignment Status (Smart Key)

    Determine whether a till is assigned to a cash drawer on the workstation.


    Payment Types (for example, separate buttons for USD, Euro, and Peso)

    Receive payment by type of currency.

    Currency Conversion

    Convert one currency to another.

  6. To add the Cash Management Dashboard:
    1. Click Button.
    2. On the General subtab, select Function from the Type drop-down list.
    3. Click the black arrow beneath the Type drop-down list.
    4. Select Cash Management Dashboard, and then click the OK button.
    5. Enter a Legend for the button.
    6. Position and size the button on the page. Use the Style arrow to change the color.
    7. Click Save.