Creating Pay@Table Buttons

Depending on the property’s Pay@Table payment methods, you need to create the following buttons for the POS client page:

  • PATT Credit Card: Create this button if the property allows credit card payments with Pay@Table.

  • PATT Room Charge: Create this button if the property allows room charges with Pay@Table.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Page Design.
  2. Open the page on which to place Pay@Table buttons.
  3. On the Edit tab, select the page area in which to define the Pay@Table functions (typically the payment area).
  4. Click Button.
  5. On the General subtab, enter the button name in the Legend field.
  6. Select Function from the Type drop-down list.
  7. Click the black arrow directly beneath the Type drop-down list, and then select Pay at the Table.
  8. Highlight the Pay@Table button.
  9. Click the Pay at the Table Config button.
  10. (Optional) Select Enable Tip Screen, and then enter the Default Tip Percent value. The tip percentage appears to the guest. To hide the tip screen from guests, deselect Enable Tip Screen.
  11. (Optional) Select Enable Share Payment, and then enter the Default Share Payment group sizes (for example, 2, 3, 4). This is the default number of people that can share the payment. (If a different number of people want to share payment, the guest can enter the number.) Deselect Enable Share Payment to prevent guests from sharing the check payment.
  12. (Optional) To use Pay@Table in demonstration mode, select Demo Payment. This allows sales executives to demonstrate Pay@Table features to clients without needing a magnetic card or reader. Deselect Demo Payment to use Pay@Table live at a property.
  13. In the Select Payment Type area, select the payment type (for example, Credit Card or OPERA) from the Payment Type drop-down list.
  14. Click the Edit Command link in the Command column.
  15. From the Payment Configuration dialog, select the appropriate payment method from the Type drop-down list.
  16. Click Edit..., and then enter the appropriate Command. The following table lists the Types and associated Commands.

    Table 11-31 Pay@Table Payment Methods

    Type Command

    Credit Card

    CreditDebit:MCreditDebit: MICROS standard credit and debit drivers for credit card charges

    Credit Card Other

    CreditDebit:Loadable: Loadable credit and debit drivers for credit card charges


    Other1:LoadablePms: Loadable property management system driver for room charges

  17. If the payment type is a credit card, select CreditAuthAndPay from the Functions drop-down list, and then click OK.
  18. Position and size the button on the page. Use the Style arrow to change the color.
  19. Click Save.
  20. Repeat Steps 1 through 19 for each Pay@Table button.