Holding Menu Items on a Check

There are various ways to hold menu items and to end the current service round.

  1. To hold the entire order and begin a new guest check:
    1. Add menu items.
    2. Click the Hold Order Tender/Media type function key. The workstation shows the letter H next to all held items.
  2. To hold a single menu item:
    1. Select an item.
    2. Click the Hold function key. The workstation shows the letter H next to the held item.
  3. To hold menu items as you add items to the check:
    1. Click the Transaction Hold function key.
    2. Add menu items. The workstation shows the letter H next to all items on hold.
  4. To release held menu items from their hold status:
    1. Select menu items on hold.
    2. Click the Hold function key. The letter H (next to the menu items) disappears.
  5. To pick up checks that have menu items on hold:
    1. Click Pick Up Check By List.
    2. Select Held Items Only from the View Type drop-down list. The workstation shows checks with held items only and the letter H next to all checks.