Reviewing Financial Information on an Order

Purpose: From the Order Inquiry Header Screen and Order Inquiry Detail Screen, you can advance to screens that display financial information for an order.

You can use these screens to review and evaluate invoices, refunds, additional charges, order totals and items ordered, as well as order payment methods, credit card authorization history, deposit history and order payment history.

Streamlined order inquiry: As an alternative to standard order inquiry, the Streamlined Order Inquiry (DORI) option provides a consolidated, one-page view of the order, including certain information on payment methods, invoices, refunds, and additional charges.

In this chapter:

for information on


to advance to


Display Invoices

Display Invoices Screen

Order Receipt

Display Invoice Header Screen

Display Invoice Pay Methods Screen

Display Invoice Payment Method Screen (Reviewing Detail)

First Display Invoice Detail Screen



Second Display Invoice Detail Screen

Second Display Invoice Detail Screen

Display Invoice Detail Pay Methods Screen

Invoice Detail Charges Screen

Invoice Cost Detail Screen

Invoice Pay Summary Screen

Change Invoice Pay Method Screen

Working with Rejected Deposits

Changing Credit Card Information for an Invoice Payment Method

Display Invoice Pay Method Screen (Reviewing Deposit Information)

Display Invoice Address Screen (Billing Address)

Display Invoice Address Screen (Shipping Address)

Order Payment Methods

Pay Methods

Display Order Payment Methods Screen

Display Order Pay Type Screen (1 of 2)

Display Order Pay Type Screen (2 of 2)

Display Authorization History Screen

Authorization History Details Window

Display Deposit History Screen

Display Deposit History Detail Screen

Display Order Payment History Screen

Display Authorization Reversals Screen

Display Contributions Screen

Additional Charges

Additional Charges

Display Additional Charges Screen



Display Refunds for Order Screen

Order Summary

Order Totals

Display Order Summary Screen

Displaying Order Totals in Foreign Currency

If no Currency is Defined for the Country

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