Order Receipt

Purpose: The order receipt provides a single view of the shipments that have taken place for an order ship-to. The receipt does not list any activities that have reduced order totals, such as a return, an item entered with a negative quantity, or a credit applied after shipment; however, the current order totals listed on the receipt reflect these activities if they have occurred.

How to print:

• Select Order Receipt at the Display Invoices Screen in standard order inquiry or,

• Click the order receipt icon at the Invoices section of the Third Streamlined Order Inquiry Screen (Order Summary):

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

The contents described below are based on the Order Receipt Print Program (L46) system control value being set to the base graphical print program of ORDERRECG. If you use a different program, your receipt will differ.

Contents: The order receipt includes the following areas:

• logo (if any), title, order information, and current sold-to and ship-to name and address

• shipped items, ship via, and tracking number for each shipment

• shipment totals to date for the order

• payment methods that have been billed

Each of these components is described below. Also, see the Things to Note about the Order Receipt for additional details.

A. The information at the top of the page is:

Logo: You can include a company logo or an entity logo. The receipt uses the same logo as the pick slip. See Setting Up Company Logos for Forms and the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value for background and setup information.

Order #: The order number is separated from the ship-to number by a hyphen.

Order date: The Order date entered for the order header. Defaults to the current date when you create an order.

Sold To: The current name and address of the customer who placed the order, consisting of:

- Company name

- First name, Middle initial, and Last name

- First address line

- Apartment or Suite

- Second address line

Note: Lines 3 and 4 are not included.

- City

- State

- Postal code

- Country code

Ship To: The current name and address of the customer receiving the order. If the shipping address changes between shipments, the current shipping address is at the top of the page. This address is in the same format as the Sold To name and address, as well as the Attention line, if any, and can be:

- the sold-to customer

- a recipient customer

- a permanent shipping address from the Address Book

- a one-time ship-to address

Note: This section of the receipt (logo, sold to, and ship to) is included at the top of each page if the receipt is more than one page. If individual shipments were mailed to a different ship-to address, those addresses are listed below.

B. Below is a summary of the Items that have been shipped for this order. This section consists of items shipped and related information, including the ship via and tracking number, and may also include the shipping address for the shipment, if it differs from the current address at the top of the page. The items, shipping information, and shipping address are listed separately for each invoice:

• For each date when a shipment occurred, starting with the most recent shipment:

- Items shipped on: Indicates the date shipped.

• For each order line shipped on that date and billing on the same invoice, in alphanumeric order by item and SKU codes:

- Item/SKU: the item code; separated by the SKU code, if any, by a slash (/)

- Quantity: the quantity of the item that shipped on the date indicated

- Price: the actual selling price per unit that billed

Note: The price is .00 if, for example, the item was a free gift or a component of a set.

- Extended price: The unit price * the quantity

- Description (unlabeled field): the item description, followed by the SKU description

Ship To Address: The shipping address from the Invoice Address table. This name and address is in the same format as the Sold To and Ship To addresses above, and is included only if the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is selected, and if the name and address for the invoice differs from the Ship To address at the top of the page

• For each shipment:

- Shipping information: the description of the ship via who made the shipment

- Tracking number (unlabeled field): included if it is available from the Manifest Upload Audit table. If there are multiple tracking numbers in the table for the same invoice, each tracking number is included

Note: The ship via and tracking number may not be included if you confirmed confirmation manually, for brokered backorders fulfilling through integration with the Order Broker, or for store pickup orders.

C. Current totals for the order ship-to, consisting of:

Merchandise: The current merchandise total for the order ship-to. This can differ from the sum of the item extended prices due to subsequent activity, such as returns or discounts applied after shipment. These activities can also affect the shipping, handling, and tax totals.

Shipping and Handling: The current freight and handling total for the order ship-to, including any special handling, gift wrap, and additional charges

Tax: The current total tax on the order, excluding any VAT

Total: The current total merchandise, shipping and handling, and tax

D. Payment methods billed for the order ship-to, consisting of:

- Pay Method: The description of the payment method from the Pay Type table

- Last 4 of Credit Card: The last 4 positions of the credit card. Included only for credit card pay types

- Amount: The amount billed to the payment method. This amount might be zero for a shipment restricted to “no charge” items, such as free gifts or set components

Note: The receipt does not indicate whether the deposit has been processed for the shipment, or whether a deferred or installment billing plan was used.

Things to Note about the Order Receipt

System control value: The Order Receipt Print Program (L46) system control value controls the format of the order receipt. The base print program is ORDERRECG (graphical form).

Credits not included: Only regular (debit) invoices are eligible for inclusion on the order receipt. The dollar amounts listed do not reflect any credits that might apply after billing.

Separate receipt for each order ship-to, but multiple invoices for an order ship-to on a single order receipt:

- When you generate the order receipt for a multi-recipient order, the system generates a separate document for each separate ship-to;

- However, if there were multiple shipments for a single order ship-to, all shipments are included on a single order receipt. The items, ship via, and tracking number (if available) for each shipment are listed separately, with shipped order totals and payment methods combined at the end of the order receipt.

When is the ship-to address listed below the shipped items? A ship-to name and address is listed below the items only if the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is selected, and if the name and address for the invoice differs from the Ship To address at the top of the page. The top of the page always indicates the current sold-to and ship-to name and address, even if the selected order did not ship to the customer’s current address(es).

Consolidate invoice? Your system control value settings control whether multiple shipments for an order on the same day are eligible for consolidation. See the Invoice Consolidation Method (E29) system control value for a discussion.

Setting up the logo to print on the order receipt: See Setting Up Company Logos for Forms for information on configuring the logo to print on the order receipt and other forms.

Invoices in reverse chronological order: If there have been multiple shipments for the order, they are listed in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest).

Items in alphanumeric order: All items shipped on the same invoice are listed in alphanumeric order by item and SKU code. As a result, a set master and its components might not be listed together on the receipt.

When is the tracking number included? The tracking number is included if it is available from the Manifest Upload Audit table. PC manifesting and the generic pick in API write the tracking number to this table; however, manual confirmation and orders confirmed through integration with the Order Broker do not write to the Manifest Upload Audit table, so the tracking number does not print for shipments using these methods.

Order receipts in Customer Invoices folder: Order receipts are included in the Customer Invoices folder. See Forms Management (My Forms) for background.

Currency is not indicated: The receipt does not indicate the currency used on the order.

No page numbering: If the receipt runs to multiple pages, the pages are not numbered.

Gift orders: Prices and totals are included for gift orders as well as non-gift orders.

“No charge” items: You can still generate an order receipt even if the invoice totals are zero. The zero prices and totals print on the receipt.

CS04_06r OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN