Order Broker Integration

Order Broker: Integration with the Order Broker module in Oracle Retail Order Broker supports fulfilling orders across the enterprise.

Use the Order Broker integration to:

broker backorders: Automatically send backordered lines to the Order Broker module in Oracle Retail Order Broker, so the orders can be assigned to locations for fulfillment.

- If the Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) system control value is selected, the system bypasses reservation in order to send all eligible items to the Order Broker for fulfillment assignment, even if the item is available in the warehouse. In this situation, the fulfilling location may be a store location or an Order Management System warehouse.

- If the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS, the system bypasses reservation in order to send eligible items on a ship-for-pickup order to the Order Broker for fulfillment assignment. In this situation, the fulfilling location may be a store location or an Order Management System warehouse.

receive retail pickup (including ship-for-pickup) or delivery orders from Oracle Retail Order Broker: Receive and fulfill orders in Order Management System. If the order is a retail pickup order, Order Management System sends the merchandise to the customer’s selected store for pickup. If the order is a delivery order, Order Management System ships the merchandise to the customer’s ship to address. Typically, retail pickup and delivery orders originated in an external retail location. In addition:

- If the Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) system control value is selected, Order Broker may send a delivery order to Order Management System that originated as a brokered backorder in Order Management System. In this situation, Order Broker determined that an Order Management System warehouse was the best location to fulfill the order.

- If the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS, Order Broker may send a retail pickup order to Order Management System that originated as a ship-for-pickup order in Order Management System. In this situation, Order Broker determined that an Order Management System warehouse was the best location to fulfill the order.

send ship-for-pickup orders during pick slip generation/drop ship processing to Oracle Retail Order Broker: If the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to NEVER, ship orders to an external retail location for customer pickup if the merchandise is not already available at that location.

send store pickup orders to Oracle Retail Order Broker: Notify an external retail location that has inventory available that a customer will pick up an order.

Version compatibility: Fulfillment assignment and ship-for-pickup functionality is available in release 16.0 or higher of Order Management System and release 16.0 or higher of Oracle Retail Order Broker. Also, in order to use ship-for-pickup processing, you must select the Enable Ship For Pickup option on the Organization window in Oracle Retail Order Broker. Once you enable ship for pickup, the Ship for Pickup Enabled Date displays on the Organization window and you cannot unselect this option.

An OROB_MESSAGE_VERSION of 16.0 or higher is required to use the Ship-for-Pickup Orders integration with Order Broker.

For more information: See:

Oracle Retail Order Broker Integration Overview for background on integration between Oracle Retail Order Broker and Order Management System.

Order Broker Configuration for required setup in Order Management System.

• the Oracle Retail Order Broker Operations Guide for details on each request and response message, as well as details on logging and troubleshooting in Oracle Retail Order Broker.

• the Oracle Retail Order Broker online help for step-by-step instructions on populating the Oracle Retail Order Broker database and on scheduling item and inventory imports.

For information on Order Broker processing in Order Management System, see:

Brokered Backorders

Ship-for-Pickup Orders

Retail Pickup (including Ship-for-Pickup) or Delivery Orders

Store Pickup Orders

Troubleshooting the Order Broker Integration

Sample Order Broker Messages

Order Broker Status Summary Table

Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location

Working with Order Broker (WOBR)

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