Troubleshooting the Order Broker Integration

See the Oracle Retail Order Broker Operations Guide for information on possible errors returned by the Order Broker and additional troubleshooting information.

See also:

Order Broker Status Summary Table

Things to Note About Brokered Backorders

Things to Note about Retail Pickup (including Ship-for-Pickup) and Delivery Orders

Troubleshooting Creation of Store Pickup Orders and Things to Note

Order Broker Integration


Possible Explanation

No fulfilling location is displayed at the Work with Order Broker Screen

Is the Order Broker request’s status E (error), U (unfulfillable), C (Closed) or Z (canceled)? In this case, the order line will not be fulfilled through the Order Broker.

The status of the Order Broker request is Closed, but there have not been any shipments

Order Management System changes the status of a brokered backorder request to C (closed) if you cancel it before it has been submitted to the Order Broker (when its status is R (ready)).

A backordered order line is not being submitted to the Order Broker for fulfillment

• Check that the order is eligible under the Rules for Submitting Backorders to the Order Broker

• Confirm that you have completed the Order Broker Configuration

• Confirm that the customer is not flagged to Bypass reservation

• Confirm that the item has the OROB eligible flag selected

• If the order was previously in hold status and then released, use the BROKER periodic function or select the order for maintenance and then accept your maintenance session

I created a ship-for-pickup order, but it is not listed at the Work with Order Broker Screen or on the Order Inquiry screen in Oracle Retail Order Broker

If the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to NEVER, Order Management System does not send ship-for-pickup orders to the Order Broker until you generate the pick slip. See Ship-for-Pickup Orders for an overview.

The Order Broker returned an error

The error is displayed at the Display Order Broker History Screen.

• An error of Null response from OROB indicates that the OROB Account (K49) system control value is not set correctly.

• An error of Invalid Sold To address, missing req indicates that the sold-to customer is missing the first and last name or the company name; a first and last name or a company name are required for the sold-to customer on all orders sent to Oracle Retail Order Broker.

• An error of Duplicate Order/line (code 2040) indicates that the order or line was already created in Oracle Retail Order Broker. This situation can occur if the Use Duplicate Order Checking option is selected in Oracle Retail Order Broker and the order or line was already created there, but for some reason Order Management System did not receive or process the original response message. In this case, Order Management System puts the Order Broker record’s status to Acknowledged, and the order line continues processing normally.

See the Oracle Retail Order Broker Operations Guide for a list of possible errors that the Order Broker might return to a Submit Order request.

Will there be Order Broker records in error if the Oracle Retail Order Broker application is not running?

If Order Management System sends a status inquiry request and does not receive a response from Oracle Retail Order Broker, the Order Broker records remain in their current status.

Where are messages logged between Order Management System and Oracle Retail Order Broker?

Based on the XML Logging setting at the Event Logging screen in Oracle Retail Order Broker, messages can be logged in Oracle Retail Order Broker’s XML log file. This file is located on the Oracle Retail Order Broker application server. Logs from previous days are renamed with a date suffix in YYYY-MM-DD format (for example, xml.log.2012-08-27).

Retail pickup and delivery orders not created in Order Management System

If the Send Inventory by Warehouse to OROB (L06) system control value is selected, Order Management System does not send fulfillment requests to the Order Broker unless an OROB location is specified for the warehouse.

Ship-for-pickup orders are not created

An OROB_MESSAGE_VERSION of 16.0 or higher is required to use the Ship-for-Pickup Orders integration with Order Broker.

Status updates are not generated when ship-for-pickup orders are in transit

The Order Type for Retail Pickup Orders Brokered to OROMS (K92) and Order Type for Orders Brokered for Delivery (K91) system control values must be populated to generate the status update message when a ship-for-pickup order is in transit.

Order initially created in Order Management System in error status, then put on hold after error corrected

Canceled by originating system? If the order is initially created in Order Management System in error status and then corrected, Order Management System sends an inventory inquiry request to Oracle Retail Order Broker before changing the order’s status to open. If the response from Oracle Retail Order Broker indicates that the originating system has canceled the order, Order Management System then puts the order on hold and writes an order transaction history message, such as: Order held - line[s] canceled in Order B.

LO01_02 OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN