Order Creation Errors

Purpose: The following table describes errors that can occur when you create orders through the order API. These errors might be included in the Detailed Order XML Response (CWORDEROUT) if the response_type in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) is E.

Note: Special characters (such as < or >) are replaced in the outbound message.

For more information: See Generic Order Interface (Order API).





Entered Price Exceeds Lim

The requested price of a new or existing item is below the maximum discount percentage, as specified in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value. For example, if this system control value specifies a limit of 10%, and the requested price of an item was 15% below the regular price, this would produce an error.

Note: This error based on the setting of the Override Price Override Limit (A64) secured feature:

• if there is a valid entered_by_user specified in the message, the system checks the secured feature authority of that user;

• otherwise, if the entered_by_user is not a valid user ID in Order Management System, or if there is no entered_by_user specified in the message, the system checks the secured feature authority of your default user.


Invalid Promotion Code

The promotion code specified in the message does not actually exist. See the Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code (I63) system control value for more information.


Multiples error

The order line quantity is not evenly divisible by the Sell quantity for the item/SKU.


Price is zero

No price was found for the item/offer, but the item is not eligible for a price override to zero.


Item not valid for whs

The line_warehouse indicated for a return or express bill does not exist.


Invalid line frt override

A line freight override is indicated, but the freight method on the order is not a line-level freight method.


S/H code is invalid

The S/H code (Special handling code) specified for the item is invalid.


Restricted item/SKU

The Restrict flag for an item on the order is selected.


SKU does not exist

The short SKU specified in the message is not associated with a valid SKU.


Base item does not exist

The system cannot identify the item/SKU for an order detail line based on the information provided in the message.


Discount limit exceeded

The discount on the order ship to exceeds the Order Discount Percentage Limit (D16) system control value.


Invalid Additional Charge

The additional_charge_code is not a valid additional charge code in the Additional Charge table.


Invalid offer

The item specified is associated with an invalid offer.


Item/Cust cls restriction

The customer’s class is restricted from shipment of items of this item class, as defined through the Item Class Restrictions by Customer Class Screen (Working with Restrictions).


S/H code not allowed

Special handling is not allowed for the item, as defined at the Create Item Offer Screen or the Create SKU Offer Screen.


Invalid/Missing Cust Cls

There is no valid customer class indicated in the message, the Default Customer Class in Order Entry (D63) system control value is blank, and the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value is selected.


Gift wrap not allowed

The gift_wrap field is selected and gift wrapping is not allowed for the offer.


Invalid Ship Via

• The Require postal code? flag is selected for the country and the ship via specified for the order does not exist, OR

• There is an invalid line_shipping_method specified for an item on the order, OR

• The order represents a pre-order quote (the Quote field for the order type is selected) and the ship via entered on the quote is an express bill ship via.


Multiple CCs with $0

There is more than one “catch-all” payment method. See Enter Payment Method Screen for more information.


Missing Whse/Loc-No IT Ln

The line_warehouse or location indicated for a return or express bill does not exist.


State not found

The state is not valid for the country, as defined through Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY). If a state is specified, it must be a valid state for the country, regardless of the setting of the Require state? flag for the country.


Order qty > max allowed

The item quantity exceeds the maximum specified in the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value.

Note: This error based on the setting of the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70) secured feature:

• if there is a valid entered_by_user specified in the message, the system checks the secured feature authority of that user;

• otherwise, if the entered_by_user is not a valid user ID in Order Management System, or if there is no entered_by_user specified in the message, the system checks the secured feature authority of your default user


Line $value > max allowed

The extended price of the order detail line exceeds the limit specified in the Maximum Order Line Value (E98).

Note: This error based on the setting of the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69) secured feature:

• if there is a valid entered_by_user specified in the message, the system checks the secured feature authority of that user;

• otherwise, if the entered_by_user is not a valid user ID in Order Management System, or if there is no entered_by_user specified in the message, the system checks the secured feature authority of your default user


Price can not be negative

• The item has a price that is negative and the Allow Negative Prices in Order Entry (E97) system control value is not selected, OR

• The order represents a pre-order quote (the Quote field for the order type is selected) and the quantity for an item on the quote is a negative quantity.


Multiple CC with pay plan

There is more than one credit card on an order that includes a flexible payment option. See Deferred/Installment Billing Overview for more information.


CC Pmt Req w/Store Ship

There is no credit card payment method specified for a store shipment request.

Note: Store fulfillment is not currently implemented.


Email invalid

The email address is not properly formatted. See Email Address Validation for more information.


Exceeds maximum char

The personalization text exceeds the maximum specified for the custom special handling format. See the personalization_line element in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) for more information.


Missing Membership

The item is a membership item, but there is not a membership program with the same name as the item, as defined through Working with Membership Programs (WWMP), or the membership program identified has expired (the End date for the membership program has passed). This error occurs when a customer purchases a membership item and the payment information is passed separately; in this case, the system does not create the customer membership or apply any membership discount until receiving the payment message.


Inv qty for ShipToStore

There is a ship-alone item with a quantity greater than one on a ship-for-pickup order. See Ship-for-Pickup Orders for background.


Item Ctry/St Restriction

The item is restricted from shipment to that country or state, as defined through the Work with Item Restriction by Country/State Screen.


Ship Via invalid for Item

The shipper is not eligible to ship the item to its destination, based on the Item Ship Via Override table. See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides.


Invalid Prefix Code

The Validate Prefix (I27) system control value is selected, and the prefix does not exist in the Prefix table. See Working with Prefix Codes (WPFX) for more information.


SH Resp fail defined rule

The custom special handling for the item does not conform to a rule set up for the custom special handling format. See Work with Special Format Rules Screen for background.


Invalid Flexible Payment

There is an invalid flexible payment option specified for an order payment method. See Flexible Payment Options for more information.


Van Delivery via not allowed

• The ship via code defined in the Default Van Delivery Ship Via (L07) system control value is specified as the shipping_method and:

- the shipping address on the order does not qualify for van delivery, or

- the ship_to_warehouse contains a warehouse code other than the Reserve warehouse defined for the shipping address on the order.

• The ship via code defined in the Default Van Delivery Ship Via (L07) system control value is specified as the line_shipping_method for an order line and:

- the shipping address on the order does not qualify for van delivery, or

- the line_warehouse contains a warehouse code other than the Reserve warehouse defined for the shipping address on the order.

See Van Delivery Processing through the Generic Order Interface (Order API).


Duplicate item for cust

The Duplicate Item Check (C09) system control value is selected and an item is included on more than one order for the customer within the number of days specified in the Duplicate Item Days (C58) system control value.

Note: After you accept or edit the order batch that includes the order with the duplicate item, the error status of the order line(s) is cleared, and the system does not reevaluate the order for a duplicate item error.


Invalid Card Issue#

An issue number is required for the credit card pay type (based on the Require issue # flag), but an issue number was not provided. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY) for more information.


Bill Me Later trans limit

Not currently implemented.


Required Input missing

Required information is missing from the custom special handling instructions.


Invalid email/opt in-SVC

There is a virtual stored value card on the order and a valid email address was not provided. The system requires an email address in order to send a Stored Value Card Notification email to the recipient of the stored value card. See Stored Value Card Email Hierarchy for more information.


No catch all pay method

There is no payment method on the order with the amt_to_charge field blank.


Invalid Order date

The accounting period associated with the date could not be found.


Non-CC on Ship for Pickup

The Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected, this is a ship-for-pickup order, the order type does not match the Order Type for Special Orders (L15) system control value, and the order includes a payment method that is not a credit card with a Card type of Credit.


Store Fulfillment Loc Msg

No store_code was passed for a store pickup order. See Store Pickup Orders for more information.


Store Fulfillment Subscrp

You cannot generate a store pickup request for a subscription item. See Store Pickup Orders for background.


Store Fulfillment Mbrship

You cannot generate a store pickup request for a membership item. See Store Pickup Orders for background.


Store Fulfillment Neg Qty

You cannot generate a store pickup request for a negative quantity. See Store Pickup Orders for background.


Invalid Store Code

The store_code passed to create a ship-for-pickup or store pickup order is not a valid code as set up through Work with Store Cross Reference (WSCR) See Ship-for-Pickup Orders or Store Pickup Orders for background.


Invalid Delivery Type

The delivery_type was not set to P (store pickup) or S (ship-for-pickup).


Ineligible for Store Pick

The message indicates to create a store pickup order, but the order is not eligible. See Store Pickup Orders for more information.

Possible reasons include:

• a payment method that is not a credit card.

• items on the order that are not flagged as OROB eligible.

• items on the order that have gift wrap or special handling instructions.

• mutliple ship to addresses exist on the order with pickup information.

• the store_code indicated is invalid. If the store_code is invalid, then there are additional errors related to the ship-to address on the order.


Email Missing/Ineligible

This is a store pickup order, and there is not an email address with an opt-in/out flag of O1 (all emails) or O2 (order-related emails) on the order. The email address and opt-in/out setting are required so that you can notify the customer when the order is ready for pickup at the selected store. See Store Pickup Notifications for more information.


Sales Rep Inactive

The Active field for the sales_rep_number assigned to the order in the Salesman table is N.


Sales Rep Store Inactive

The Active field for the sales_rep_store assigned to the order in the Store Cross Reference table is N.


Sales Rep Store Invalid

The sales_rep_store assigned to the order is not a valid store number in the Store Cross Reference table.


SKU Blocked

The item is not allowed on the order based on information received from an external system via the SKU Blocker interface. The system sends item and order information to an external system to determine whether the item/SKU is allowed on the order if the second compatibility code for the item matches the code defined in the Second Compatibility Code used to Trigger SKU Blocking (K84) system control value. See this system control value for more information.


Input not valid response

The personalization text is not a valid entry for the custom special handling format. See the personalization_line element in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) for more information.


City Blank

No city is specified for the shipping address.


Country Not Found

The country code is invalid or no country was specified.


Invalid Cancel Date

The cancel date specified in the message is earlier than the current date.


Invalid Cancel/Arrival DT


Invalid date of birth

Not currently implemented.


Invalid Order Hold Reason

The order hold reason code indicated does not exist in the Order Hold Reason table. See Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR) for more information.


Invalid Order Type

The order type indicated does not exist in the Order Type table. See Establishing Order Types (WOTY) for more information.


Invalid Salesman Number

The Require Salesrep Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (E87) system control value is selected and the order does not have a valid sales rep.


Invalid Ship Via for FEDX

There is a Federal Express tracking number indicated, but the ship via on the order does not have a Type of FX.


Invalid Ship Via for POB

The ship via for the order does not deliver to P.O. boxes, as specified by the PO box delivery field for the ship via. This error can occur regardless of the setting of the Perform ship via edit? flag for the country.


Invalid Ship Via for SCF

Either the SCF or the ship via/SCF combination is not valid. This error occurs only if the Perform ship via edit? flag is selected for the country.


Invalid Source Code

The source code specified on an order detail line is not valid.

Note: Normally, even if the source code on the header is not specified or is invalid or restricted, the system selects a valid header-level source code from the customer’s mail history, current source code, or a system control value default. See the source_code for a discussion.


Invalid State for Zip

The state is not valid for the postal code, as defined through Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP).


Invalid social security #

Not currently implemented.


Last Name & Comp Blank

Both the last name and the company field for the sold-to customer are blank; at least one is required.


SCF not Found

The SCF is not valid for the country, as defined through Working with SCF Codes (WSCF). This error occurs only if the Require postal? flag is selected for the country.


State Blank

No state is specified. This error occurs only if the Require state? flag is selected for the country.


Street Address Blank

No street address is specified.


Zip Code Blank

No postal code is specified. This error occurs only if the Require postal code? flag is selected for the country.


Direct Disbursement N/A

Not currently implemented.


No Detail lines

No items were specified for the order.


No Paytypes for Order

No payment methods have been provided.


CC Expiration/Start Date

If an expiration date is required for the credit card pay type (based on the Require expiration date flag):

• the credit card payment method did not include a valid expiration date; for example, the cc_exp_month or cc_exp_year exceeded two positions each, or the cc_exp_month is not a valid month (1 through 12)

• the expiration date is in the past

• the expiration date is more than 20 years in the future

if a start date is required for the credit card pay type (based on the Require start date flag), the credit card payment method did not include a start date. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY) for more information.


Invalid Credit Card

• No credit card number was provided for a credit card pay type.

• The credit card number failed validation against the credit card length, leading digits, or bin number defined for the credit card pay type.

• The Require Credit Card Token (L40) system control value is selected and the credit card number was not replaced with a token; see the Data Security and Encryption Guide.


Invalid Pay Type

• No payment method was passed, or the payment method passed was invalid, OR

• The order represents a pre-order quote (the Quote field for the order type is selected) and a cash/check pay type is defined on the quote.


Invalid Bill To Address

Some part or all of the bill-to information in the message is invalid. See Creating and Updating Bill-to Customers (WCBT) for more information.


Invalid Sold to Address

There is a problem with the sold-to customer’s address. This error accompanies the error message indicating the specific problem.


Invalid Ship to Address

Any of the entries for the shipping address are invalid. This error appears with one or more other error messages describing the fields that are invalid.


No Order I/T Line for Item

You attempted to send an express-billed order without specifying the warehouse and location where the item(s) were taken.

PHERRS OMSCS 18.1 April 2019 OTN