2 Common Actions and Items

This section describes some of the common actions, menus, and icons that you see throughout Merchandising to help familiarize you with how to navigate through the solution.

Task Bar Options

You can quickly access the tasks for Merchandising and switch to other Merchandising Suite solutions from the Navigation bar.

Figure 2-1 Sidebar Menu

Sidebar Menu

The following navigation bar options are common across all the Merchandising Suite solutions:

  • Application Navigator

  • Favorites

  • Tasks

  • Notifications

  • Reports

  • Settings


Your view may vary, depending upon the features selected during the setup process.

Application Navigator

The Application Navigator is optional for the application and provides the ability to switch between applications.

To switch between applications:

  1. At the top left of the application, click the Application Navigator Application Navigator icon icon to open the list of available applications.

    Figure 2-2 Application Navigator

    Application Naviator
  2. Select from the listed applications. The application will open in a new tab.


You can select your favorite tasks without accessing the Task Bar menu. It helps you quickly get into your frequently used tasks.

You can click the Favorites icon in the Tasks menu to access tasks designated as favorites. You can also select the cog icon from the Favorites menu to edit the Favorites list. Tasks can be selected or deselected as favorites in the Tasks menu by clicking on the star icon next to the task item.

Figure 2-3 Favorites Area

Favorites Area


A task is a link to a task flow to accomplish a business process or procedure. For example, a task may be creating a purchase order or editing a previously created item.

Your Tasks list appears in the Task Bar. You can either click on the specific task name to open, or use the Task Search component to search for a Task that you want to open.


Your task menu may appear slightly different, depending on which tasks you have privilege to access. By default the tasks are organized into folders in the Grouped View, clicking the List View button toggles to a fully expanded list of all the tasks which allows you to scroll more quickly to the desired task.

Figure 2-4 Tasks Menu – Grouped View

Tasks Menu Grouped View

Figure 2-5 Tasks Menu – List View

Tasks Menu List View


The Notifications functionality is a component built into Merchandising to support raising events to a user's attention. For example, this could be used to alert you to the completion of a background process or the rejection of a transaction you submitted for approval.

If a notification has been raised, you will see the number on the notification icon on the task bar go up, similar to receiving a new email.

Figure 2-6 Notifications Icon

Notifications icon

Clicking on this icon will show you a quick view of your most recent unread notifications, including a short description of what triggered the notification, its severity, when it was raised, and the user ID indicating whose action triggered it be raised. There will also be a hyperlink available for the notification. Clicking on this hyperlink will take you to the page where you can take action or view the details related to that specific notification. For example, if you are being notified that a purchase order that you submitted for approval was rejected, clicking on the hyperlink would take you to the purchase order so that you can review the comments from the approver and make the appropriate adjustments.

Figure 2-7 Notifications List

Notifications List

The following notifications are included in Merchandising:

Cost Change Induction

One of the following notifications is raised for cost change downloads and uploads based on the action you've taken and whether it was successful or resulted in errors. Clicking on the hyperlink for this notification will take you to the Data Loading Status screen to review the details of the specific process that resulted in the notification.

  • Download Complete (note: only raised when download occurs in the background based on large files size)

  • Download Failed

  • Upload Complete

  • Upload Failed

Foundation Data

One of the following notifications is raised if the download or upload of any of the data entities managed via the Foundation Data Loading process fails. Clicking on the hyperlink in the notification will take you to the Data Loading Status screen to review the details of the process that failed. Notifications are not raised if these actions are successful.

  • Download Failed

  • Upload Failed

Item Induction

One of the following notifications is raised for item downloads and uploads based on the action you've taken and whether it was successful or resulted in errors. Clicking on the hyperlink for this notification will take you to the Data Loading Status screen to review the details of the specific process that resulted in the notification.

  • Download Complete (note: only raised when download occurs in the background based on large files size)

  • Download Failed

  • Upload Complete

  • Upload Failed

New Item Location

One of the following notifications is raised for the item/location ranging process when it is executed in the background. Clicking on the hyperlink for this notification will take you to the Item Location screen for the item that resulted in the notification being raised.

  • Processing Complete

  • Processing Failed

PO Induction

One of the following notifications is raised for PO downloads and uploads based on the action you've taken and whether it was successful or resulted in errors. Clicking on the hyperlink for this notification will take you to the Data Loading Status screen to review the details of the specific process that resulted in the notification.

  • Upload Complete

  • Upload Failed

  • Download Complete (note: only raised when download occurs in the background based on large files size)

  • Download Failed

Purchase Order Rejected

This is raised if you previously submitted a purchase order for approval and the approver has rejected it back to a worksheet status, rather than approving the order. Clicking on the hyperlink for this notification will take you to the purchase order in order to take action.

GL Mapping Failure

This notification is raised if any unmapped transactions are found when posting transactions to the General Ledger. Clicking on the hyperlink for this notification will take you to the Download Foundation Data screen where you can download the GL cross reference information to define mappings for those unmapped transactions.

Replenishment Attribute Induction

One of the following notifications is raised for replenishment attribute downloads and uploads based on the action you've taken and whether it was successful or resulted in errors. Clicking on the hyperlink for this notification will take you to the Data Loading Status screen to review the details of the specific process that resulted in the notification.

  • Download Complete (note: only raised when download occurs in the background based on large files size)

  • Download Failed

  • Upload Complete

  • Upload Failed

Transfer Rejected

This is raised if you previously submitted a transfer for approval and the approver has rejected it back to a worksheet status, rather than approving the transfer. Clicking on the hyperlink for this notification will take you to the transfer in order to take action.

Managing Notifications

Clicking the See All option at the bottom of the notification pane will take you to a page where you can manage all your notifications, including those you previously reviewed. The actions that can be taken in this page include marking notifications read or unread, deleting old notifications, and reassigning notifications to another user. You can also use the hyperlinked description in this screen to access the page where action can be taken based on this notification.

Figure 2-8 Notifications Page

Notifications Page

Reassign a Notification

To re-assign a notification, highlight the appropriate notification and select Reassign Notification from the Actions menu. This will display the Reassign Notification popup. Choose one or more recipients that should receive the re-assigned notification and then click OK when all have been added. As part of the reassignment, you can also change the severity of the notification that will be sent to the recipients and the type and description that will be shown to the new recipients.

Figure 2-9 Reassign Notification Dialog

Reassign Notification Dialog


The Reports option in the Task Bar shows you a list of the reports or dashboards to which you have access. Clicking on the link for a report will open the page for that report, similar to clicking on tasks in the Tasks menu.

Figure 2-10 Reports Menu

Reports Menu

Page Level

The page level actions display the icons and buttons applicable for a particular task flow's page. This section lists the common page level actions that are used throughout Merchandising.

Figure 2-11 Page Level Action - Icons and Buttons

Screen Level Action icons and buttons

Table 2-1 Screen Level Action - Icons/Buttons and Descriptions

Icon/Buttons Description

Help icon Help icon

You can access online help for a particular page by clicking the Help icon.

Expand and Collapse icon Expand and collapse icon

You can view all and collapse all the sections in the application page by clicking the Expand and Collapse icon.

Delete icon Delete icon

You can delete an entity by selecting the Delete icon.

Status Action Button

Depending on the status of an entity, this button will be available to change the status of an entity. The status will be changed to the label specified on the button, when the button is clicked. If there is more than one status to which the entity can be changed, clicking the arrow on the right side of the button will display the additional status options.


Click the Revert iconic button to reject any changes made in the page and reset it to create or edit another entity.

More Actions

The More Actions button will have any additional actions and options for navigating to other pages.


Click Save to save any changes made in the page.

Save and Close

Click Save and Close to save any changes and exit the page.

Save and Edit Another

Click Save and Edit Another to save any changes and edit another entity.


Click Cancel to reject any changes and exit the page.

Other Attributes

In some pages, under the More Actions menu, there may be an additional menu option titled "Other Attributes". This indicates that custom flex attributes have been enabled for that functional area, such as the example below in the Order page. The sub-menus that are available under the Other Attributes option will vary by functional area, as configured for your business. Depending on how these attributes have been configured, they may be required to be entered in order to save or approve the entity where they exist.

Figure 2-12 Other Attributes Menu

Other Attributes Menu

When one of these sub-menu options are selected, a page will open, titled Other Attributes, which will show one or more groupings of attributes associated with the entity, as defined for your business. Below is an example of what the Other Attributes page might look like for attributes associated with a Purchase Order.

Figure 2-13 Other Attributes Page

Other Attributes Page

Table Level


Figure 2-14, Figure 2-15, Figure 2-16 are representations and may differ slightly depending on the page, table, or pop up you are viewing.

At the table level, there are two menus - Action and View - and several icons used for quick actions on the table. For more information on these options, see the sections Action Menu and Icons and View Menu.

Action Menu and Icons

The Actions menu provides the option to take different actions related to entries in the table. Depending on the nature of the table, these actions can be add, view, delete or edit table rows, or export the table contents to the spreadsheet.

The actions and icons described here are those used commonly throughout the solution. Some pages may provide additional options, based on the functionality of the page. The details on those more unique options can be found in the documentation for that particular page.

Figure 2-14 Actions Menu and Icons

Actions Menu and Icons

Table 2-2 Actions Menu/Icons and Descriptions of Components Section

Actions Menu/Icon Description

Add and Add icon Add icon

You can add a record to the table by clicking Add from the Actions menu or by clicking the Add icon Add icon.

Create and Create icon Create icon

You can create a record in the table by clicking Create from the Actions menu or by clicking the Create icon Create icon.

Create from Existing icon Create from exist icon

You can create from an existing record by clicking Create from Existing from the Actions menu or by clicking the Create from Existing icon Create from exist icon.

Edit and Edit icon Edit icon

You can edit a record in the table by clicking Edit from the Actions menu or by clicking the Edit icon Edit icon.

Delete and Delete icon

You can delete a record in the table, by clicking Delete from the Actions menu or by clicking the Delete icon .

Export to Excel icon Export to excel icon

You can copy the contents of the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Export to Excel option from the Actions menu or by clicking the Export to Excel icon Export to Excel icon.

Move Up and Down icon Move up and down icon

You can move the selected row up or down in the table by clicking the Move Up and Down icons Move up and down icon.

Wrap icon Wrap icon

You can wrap the values in the table column by using the Wrap icon Wrap icon option.

View Menu

The View menu provides the options for managing the table columns and sorting and filtering the table data.

In some tables you have the option to choose a saved custom view, which is an arrangement of columns different from the default view of the table.

Figure 2-15 View Menu

View Menu

Table 2-3 View Menu and Descriptions

View Menu List Description


You can manage which of the columns will be shown in the table by clicking the Show All and Manage Columns options.


You can view the tables in the application in a separate page by clicking Detach or by clicking the Detach icon Detach icon.


You can sort columns by the following options:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Advanced

Reorder Columns

You can reorder columns by clicking the Reorder Columns option.

Query by Example

You can filter the deal components by one of multiple column values by clicking the Query by Example option or by clicking the query by example icon Query icon.

Search Screens

You can search for a particular entity by entering or selecting criteria using the search screens. Searches can be done using basic criteria, or can be done in advanced mode, which allows additional criteria to be added, as well as the use of operators (e.g. greater than, less than) in searches. Searches are generally accessed for most entities under the "Manage" actions in the task list.

Search Using Basic Criteria

The default view when you open a search page will be for a basic search. The criteria available will differ slightly depending on the entity you are searching in.

  1. Enter or select one or all of the following basic search criteria.

    Figure 2-16 Search Section in Basic Search Mode

    Search section in basic search mode
  2. Click Search. The entities that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

    Figure 2-17 Search Results

    Search Results
  3. From the Search Results, you can manipulate the data using the selections from the Actions menu or selecting one of the table level buttons.


    If there is no saved search selected in the dropdown, Reset clears the Search section, or resets to a saved search, if applicable.
  4. Click Done to close the page.

Search Using Advanced Criteria

The Advanced Search feature allows you to add new criteria that are not part of basic search, define operators to use in the search, or add multiples of a specific criterion. For example, if searching for an item, using advanced criteria allows you to search on items that are in worksheet or submitted status, by adding the status criterion a second time in the search. Perform the following procedure to define a search using the advanced search criteria:

  1. From a Basic Search page, click the Advanced button in the upper right corner of the screen. This will change the label on the button to Basic, which will allow you to revert back to Basic mode, if needed.

  2. From the Advanced Search page, you can define the variables around how each search is performed.

    Figure 2-18 Advanced Search Page

    Advanced Search Page
    • The All or Any radio buttons allow you to define what items are returned in the search. Select All to return only those results that meet all the search criteria. Select Any to return those results that meet any of the search criteria.

    • The search field operators allow you to define how each field searches for results.


      The options available for the operators will differ based on the type of attribute and in some cases may not be available.

      Table 2-4 Search Field Operators

      Operator Description

      Starts with

      The search results start with the specified character(s).

      Ends with

      The search results end with the specified character(s).


      The search results match the specified characters exactly.

      Does not equal

      The search results do not match the specified characters.

      Less than

      The search results returned are less than the search amount.

      Less than or equal to

      The search results returned are less than or equal to the search amount.

      Greater than

      The search results returned are greater than the search amount.

      Greater than or equal to

      The search results returned are greater than or equal to the search amount.


      The search results returned are between the two specified criteria.

      Not between

      The search results returned are not between the two specified criteria.


      The search results contain the specified character(s).

      Does not contain

      The search results do not contain the specified character(s).

      Is blank

      The search results are blank.

      Is not blank

      The search results are not blank.

  3. Many of the Advanced Search pages allow you to add additional fields from which to search. This is also the method by which a second instance of a particular criterion can be added. Alternately, some search pages will automatically display all additional criteria that can be used in advanced search.

    1. From the Advanced Search page, click the Add Fields button.

      Figure 2-19 Add Fields List

      Advanced Search Add Fields List
    2. From the Add Fields list, click the field that you want to include.

    3. Repeat these steps for each additional field you want to add. Only one additional field can be added at a time.

  4. Use the Reorder button to customize the order in which the search criteria appear.

    1. From the Advanced Search page, click the Reorder button. The Reorder Search Fields pop-up appears.

      Figure 2-20 Reorder Search Fields Pop-up

      Reorder Search Fields Dialog
    2. Select the search criteria you want to reorder and use the arrow buttons to move the field up or down the list.

    3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Advanced Search page.

  5. Click Search. The entities that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

    Figure 2-21 Search Results

    Search Results
  6. From the Search Results, you can manipulate the data using the selections from the Actions menu or selecting one of the table level buttons.


    If there is no saved search selected in the dropdown, Reset clears the Search section, or resets to a saved search, if applicable.
  7. Click Done to close the page.

Create a Saved Search

You can create a Saved Search by selecting the Save button in the Search Criteria panel after you have entered the criteria for your search. The Save button will call up the Create Saved Search pop-up where the search is given a name and the user determines whether it should be the default search, which indicates it should be the one displayed when the page is initially opened, as well as whether it should be run automatically.

To view the created saved search, first enter your desired criteria in either basic or advanced mode. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Save... button. The Create Saved Search pop-up appears.

    Figure 2-22 Create Saved Search

    Create Saved Search window
  2. Enter the name of the search.

  3. You can also choose to save the combination of the search criteria by selecting the following check boxes:

    • Set as default

    • Run automatically

  4. Click OK to save your search. Click Cancel to close the pop-up without saving.

Manage Saved Searches

Select Personalize from the Saved Search list to view your saved searches. The Personalize Saved Searches pop up allows you to edit, copy, or delete Saved Searches.

Figure 2-23 Personalize Saved Searches

Personalize Saved Searches window