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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Commands Error Recovery Reference
Release 46.8
F11879 Revision 1
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E3269 Cmd Rej: Invalid H0/H1 or NH0/NH1 specified

A valid combination of h0 and h1 parameters and/or nh0 and nh1 parameters must be specified. Table 2-5 lists valid parameter combinations.

Table 2-5 Valid h0/h1 or nh0/nh1 Parameter Combinations

h0 (nh0) parameter h1 (nh1) parameter

A single value

A single value

A single value

A range

A single value

An asterisk (*) entry

A range

An asterisk (*) entry

An asterisk (*) entry

An asterisk (*) entry

For the chg-scr-sio command, the values specified for the nh0 or nh1 parameters must be valid for the h0 or h1 values already in the database.


Re-enter the ent/chg/dlt-scr-sio command that generated this error message, specifying a valid combination of parameters. Refer to the command description in Commands User's Guide and to the Database Administration - GWS User's Guide for assistance.