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Oracle® Communications Diameter Signaling Router Service Capability Exposure Function User's Guide
Release 8.4
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SCEF MMI Configuration

Once the basic configuration is complete, make these changes in MMI on the SO. The MMI API documentation can be found on OHC.

  1. Configure ACL by configuring these managed objects:
    1. Access Control List

      An Access Control List (ACL) configuration entry consists of a name. The purpose of the ACL is to maintain a set of Access Control Rules that can be associated to one or more SCS/AS.

      Send a POST message to an active SOAM with a URL  scef/accesscontrollists  and content as specified in accesscontrollist.json

      For example,

      scef/accesscontrollists -v POST –r accesscontrollist.json
    2. Access Control Rules

      This MO maintains all rules for access control.

      Send a POST message to an active SOAM with a URL  scef/accesscontrolrules  and content as specified in accesscontrolrule_DN.json
      Send a POST message to an active SOAM with a URL  scef/accesscontrolrules  and content as specified in accesscontrolrule_Domain.json

      For example,

      scef/accesscontrolrules -v POST –r accesscontrolrule_DN.json
      scef/accesscontrolrules -v POST –r accesscontrolrule_Domain.json
    3. Access Control Associations

      This MO creates/maintains the association between the List and Rules. This is used to tell which rules are under a specific List.

      Send a POST message to an active SOAM with a URL  scef/accesscontrolassociations  and content as specified in accesscontrolassociation.json

      For example,

      scef/accesscontrolassociations -v POST –r accesscontrolassociation.json
  2. Configure APN with the name and configuration-specific data for APN.
    scef/apnconfigurationsets -v POST –r apnconfigurationset.json
  3. Configure the Options managed object with system configuration parameters for SCEF.
    scef/options -v POST –r options.json
  4. Configure the NIDD configuration set.
    scef/niddconfigurationsets -v POST –r niddconfigurationset.json
  5. Configure the Monitoringevent configuration set.
    scef/monitoringeventconfigurationsets -v POST –r  monitoringeventconfigurationset.json
  6. Configure the Device Triggering configuration set.
    scef/devicetriggeringconfigurationsets -v POST –r devicetriggeringconfigurationset.json
  7. Configure SCS/AS to specify the SCSid and its associated configuration. Use JSON based on the features that need to be enabled.
    /scef/scsapplicationservers -v POST –r  scsapplicationserver.json
  8. Create JSON files MMI will use.

Example 4-1 scsapplicationserver.json

scsapplicationserver.json with NIDD enabled.

   "apnCfgSetName": "apn1.test.com",
   "callbackUrl": "https://test.xyz.com",
   "chargingEnabled": false,
   "interimInterval": 600,
   "niddCfgSetName": "NIDDCFG1",
   "scsAsId": "SCSAS1"

scsapplicationserver.json with MONITORING enabled.

   "apnCfgSetName": "apn1.test.com",
   "callbackUrl": "https://test.xyz.com",
   "chargingEnabled": false,
   "interimInterval": 600,
   "monitoringEventCfgSetName": "MONEVENT1",
   "scsAsId": "SCSAS1"

scsapplicationserver.json with ECR enabled.

     "callbackUrl": "https://test.xyz.com",
   "scsAsId": "SCSAS1"

scsapplicationserver.json with DT enabled.

   "apnCfgSetName": "apn1.test.com",
   "callbackUrl": "https://test.xyz.com",
   "chargingEnabled": false,
   "interimInterval": 600,
   "deviceTriggeringCfgSetName": "DevTrig1",
   "scsAsId": "SCSAS1",
   "smsScFqdn": "test.one",

scsapplicationserver.json with ACL, NIDD, MON, and DT enabled.

   "apnCfgSetName": "apn1.test.com",
   "callbackUrl": "https://test.xyz.com",
   "chargingEnabled": false,
   "interimInterval": 600,
   "niddCfgSetName": "NIDDCFG1",
   "monitoringEventCfgSetName": "MONEVENT1",
   "deviceTriggeringCfgSetName": "DevTrig1",
   "scsAsId": "SCSAS1",
   "smsScFqdn": "test.one",

Example 4-2 accesscontrolrule_DN.json

This creates a rule to allow NIDD and Monitoring for DOMAIN = test.oracle.com.

   "name": "RULE2",
   "domain": "test.oracle.com",
   "supportedFeatures": [
   "userIdentifierType": "DOMAIN"

Example 4-3 accesscontrolassociation.json

Associates RULE1 with ACL1

   "aclName": "ACL1",
   "ruleName": "RULE1"

Example 4-4 apnconfigurationset.json

This managed object controls the APN level rate control parameters.

   "downlinkApnMessageRate": 300,
   "downlinkApnRateControlUnit": "Day",
   "downlinkApnRateControlVal": 3,
   "maxPacketBufferSize": 100,
   "maxPacketSize": 100,
   "name": "apn1.test.com",
   "value": "apn1.test.com",
   "uplinkApnMessageRate": 600,
   "uplinkApnRateControlUnit": "Week",
   "uplinkApnRateControlVal": 6

Example 4-5 options.json

   "apiGwIpList": [
   "art": "ART1",
   "prt": "PRT1",
   "scefId": "oracle.com",
   "scefWaitTime": 1200,
   "servingPlmnRateControlEnabled": true

Example 4-6 monitoringeventconfigurationset.json

   "monitoringType": [
   "name": "MONEVENT1"

Example 4-7 devicetriggeringconfigurationset.json

   "defaultApplicationPort": 1000,
   "defaultPriority": "NonPriority",
   "maxValidityPeriod": 3600,
   "name": "DevTrig1",
   "mandateApplicationPort": false,
   "mandatePriority": false

Example 4-8 niddconfigurationset.json

   "dataDuration": 20,
   "maxAuthDuration": 86400,
   "maxOnholdDataMsg": 1,
   "minRetransmissionTime": 6,
   "name": "NIDDCFG1",
   "pdnEstablishmentOption": "INDICATE_ERROR",
   "pdnEstablishmentOptionEnabled": false