
absent cartridge

A cartridge that is in the database, but that couldn't be found when all recorded locations for the cartridge were catalogued. If a nonzero retention period is set, the volume status is changed to STATUS_VOLUME_ABSENT.


See Automated Cartridge System.


See ACS Event Logger.

ACS Event Logger (ACSEL)

The software component that receives messages from other ACSLS components and writes them to an Event Log.


A unique identifier for an ACS.


See ACS Library Handler.

ACS library

A library is composed of one or more ACSs, attached tape drives, and cartridges residing in the ACSs.

ACS Library Handler (ACSLH)

The part of the ACSLM that communicates directly with the LMU.


See ACS Library Manager.

ACS Library Manager (ACSLM)

The software component that validates and routes library requests and responses.


See ACS Library Software.

ACSLS database

ACSLS database containing information about the location and status of the data or cleaning cartridges. The information includes cell location, scratch status, and so on).

ACSLS platform

The server hardware and software that provide the proper environment for ACSLS.

ACS Library Software (ACSLS)

Manages contents of multiple libraries and controls library hardware to mount and dismount cartridges on ACS tape drives.

ACSLS database

A database used by ACSLS to track the library configuration and the locations and IDs of all data or cleaning cartridges in the library.


See ACS System Administrator.

ACS System Administrator (ACSSA)

The interface between the Command Processor and the rest of the system.


Application Data Interchange.


A physical inventory of the contents of all or part of a library.

Automated Cartridge System (ACS)

The library subsystem consisting of one or more libraries connected through pass-thru-ports.

automated library

See library.

backing library

Identifies the physical library from which the logical library is created.

beginning of tape (BOT)

The location on a tape where written data begins.


See Beginning of Tape.


See Cartridge Access Port.


A unique identifier for the location of a CAP. A CAP ID consists of the ACS ID, the LSM number, and the CAP number.


A plastic housing containing a length of data recording tape. The tape is threaded automatically when loaded in a transport. A plastic leader block is attached to the tape for automatic threading. The spine of the cartridge can contain an OCR/Bar Code label listing the volume ID.

Cartridge Access Port (CAP)

A bidirectional port built into the door panel of an LSM, which provides for the manual entry or automatic ejection of data or cleaning cartridges.

cartridge drive (CD)

A device containing two or four cartridge drives and their associated power and pneumatic supplies.

cartridge tape I/O driver

Operating system software which issues commands (for example, read, write, and rewind) to cartridge subsystems.

cartridge transport

An electromechanical device that moves tape from a cartridge over a head that writes and reads data from the tape. A transport is distinct from the power and pneumatic sources that supply the electricity and air it needs to function. See cartridge drive.


See client computing system.


See cartridge drive.


A receptacle in the LSM in which a cartridge is stored.


A device that connects the host and main storage with the input and output control units.

client applications

Software applications that manage tape cartridge contents. They access tape cartridges by interacting with ACSLS. Any number of client applications can be resident on a client system.

client computing system

A computer and an executable image of the operating system.

client software

This software manages tape cartridge contents, generates requests for cartridges, and drives data to and from cartridges. The client software is not part of ACSLS.

Client System Component

Software which provides an interface between the client computing system's operating system and ACSLS.

Client System Interface (CSI)

The software component that translates and routes messages between the ACS Library Manager and the Client System Component.

command access control

Limits access to commands.

command area

The bottom area of the cmd_proc interface where you enter requests and receive responses.

command processor (cmd_proc)

The screen interface of the ACSSA. cmd_proc lets you enter system commands.

complex partitioning

Partitioning across multiple SL8500 libraries connected via pass-thru ports in a library complex. This also includes support for up to 16 partitions.

control path adapter

A hardware device which converts a Client Computing System's control protocol to the control protocol of the StorageTek Library Control System.

control unit (CU)

A microprocessor-based unit logically situated between a channel and up to fifteen cartridge transports. The CU translates channel commands into transport commands and sends transport status to the channel.


Customer Services Engineer.


Client System Component.


See Client System Interface.

CSI variables

Used to define various options to fine-tune communications between a CSC and the CSI. You change these variables in the acsss_config program.


See control unit.

cycle error messages

Messages that indicate a library or ACSLS failure.


A collection of interrelated data records. See also ACSLS Database.

data path

The network path that enables client applications read/write access to tape cartridges.

data path adapter

A hardware device which translates a Client Computing System's data protocol to the data protocol of the StorageTek Control Unit.

display area

The top area of the cmd_proc interface that collects messages regarding the status of the library.


provides two separate host connections between the host software (ACSLS or HSC) and a library

dynamic configuration

enables you to implement configuration changes to ACSLS libraries (and components) while ACSLS remains online and running.

ejected cartridge

A cartridge that has been ejected from the library. If a nonzero retention period is set, the cartridge status is changed to STATUS_VOLUME_EJECTED.

end of tape (EOT)

The location on a tape where written data ends.


See end of tape.


Emergency Power Off.


See erasable programmable read only memory.

erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM)

A special memory chip that can be erased and reprogrammed.

Event Log

A file, maintained by the ACSEL, that contains messages describing library and ACSLS events.

Event Logger

See ACS Event Logger.

external label identifiers

A six-character alphanumeric label on the outside edge of a cartridge used to identify a physical tape cartridge. It may consist of uppercase letters A through Z, numerals 0 through 9, $, #, and blanks.

Fast Load

With Fast Load enabled, an FC initiator that issues a mount operation receives a successful response once the operation has been validated and accepted by ACSLS, but before cartridge movement begins.

full installation

A complete software installation required for new customer sites or for existing sites where a new library has been installed.


Host/Library Interface. One way that the ACSLS communicates with a library.


Libraries that are connected to the ACSLS through the HLI. These libraries can be connected through a serial interface (serial-attached) or through a TCP/IP interface (TCP/IP-attached).

home location

The cell associated with a given cartridge.

Host Software Component (HSC)

Software running on an IBM mainframe that controls multiple libraries as a library server.


Identifier or identification.

Initial Program Load (IPL)

A process that activates a machine reset, initiates wake up diagnostics (from EPROMs) and loads functional code.

inline diagnostics

Routines that test components of a subsystem while operating on a time-sharing basis with the functional microcode in the subsystem component.

in-transit cartridges

Cartridges between their source and destination locations. Cartridges are considered in-transit if they are in pass-thru ports, robot hands, or playground.




Interprocess Communication.


See Initial Program Load.


A sequential log of changes made to the database since the last checkpoint.


Lock Access Door.


See local area network.

large CAP (LCAP)

A 40-cartridge CAP with the storage cells arranged in four removable magazines of ten cells each. The magazines appear as a single column of 40 cells to the host software.


See large CAP.


See Library Control Unit.


See Light Emitting Diode.


A library is composed of one or more ACSs, attached tape drives, volumes in the ACSs, and the ACSLS software that controls and manages the ACSs.


A software component, resident on a Windows NT client system, that translates and routes messages between client applications and the CSI.

library configuration options

Customer can specify the number of ACSs in the library and the connections between each ACS and the server system.

library control component

Software which controls the mounting and dismounting of cartridges in the ACS.

library control processor

Properly configured computer hardware that, with the addition of appropriate software, supports the operation of the Library Control Software.

library control system

The library control platform loaded with library control software (ACSLS).

library control software

The software components of ACSLS including the library control component, the Client System Interface and Library Utilities.

Library Control Unit

The portion of the LSM that controls the picking, mounting, dismounting, and replacing of data and cleaning cartridges.

library drive

A cartridge transport attached to an LSM that is connected to, and controlled by, a client system. Library drives interact with the LCU during automated tape cartridge mount and dismount operations. Library drives interact with a client application during tape data transfer operations. Library drives are individually addressable by the ACSLM and are individually accessible by client applications. See Cartridge Transport.

library errors

Errors that occur because the library is offline, has suffered hardware failure, is unavailable, and so forth.

Library Management Unit (LMU)

The portion of an ACS that manages LSMs, allocates their resources, and communicates with ACSLS.

Library Storage Module (LSM)

An ACS structure that provides the storage area for cartridges, cartridge drives, CAPs, and the robot necessary for moving them.

light emitting diode (LED)

A light emitting device that uses little energy and is used mainly to indicate on/off conditions.


See Library Management Unit.

local area network (LAN)

A computer network in which any component in the network can access any other component. This is the type of interface between an LMU and attached LSM's.


See Library Storage Module.


A unique identifier for an LSM. The LSM ID consists of the ACS ID and the LSM number.

media validation

Feature that verifies T10000 cartridges using a designated pool of T10000C and T10000D drives. The validation provides a success or failure result for each tape cartridge tested

missing cartridge

A cartridge that is in the database, but couldn't be found. If a recorded possible location for the cartridge could not be examined due to an offline LSM or a drive not communicating, the cartridge is marked missing instead of absent. The cartridge status is changed to STATUS_VOLUME_MISSING.

Multiple TCP/IP

Using TCP/IP connections to multiple libraries to provide redundant communication paths between the host software (ACSLS or HSC) and an SL8500 library complex.

network adapter

Equipment that provides an electrical and logical interface between a network and specific attached equipment.

Network Interface (NI)

An interface between the server system and the client systems that maintains network connections and controls the exchange of messages. The NI is resident on the server system and each client system.


See Network Interface.


Optical character recognition.


Open network computing.

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)

A software architecture model of the International Organization for Standardization. The OSI model provides standards for the interconnection of data processing systems.


See Open Systems Interconnection.


Open Systems Local Area Network.


Partition of a library cell's, cartridges, drives, and CAPs assigned to a physical partition that is managed by ACSLS as a separate ACS.

Pass-Thru Port (PTP)

Mechanism that enables a cartridge to be passed from one LSM to another in a multiple LSM ACS.


See priority CAP.


A reserved area of special cells (within an LSM) used for storing diagnostic cartridges and cartridges found in-transit upon power-on and before initialization of the LSM is completed.


A collection of tape cartridges having one or more similar features or attributes, such as a pool of scratch tapes.


Power-on self-test.

priority CAP (PCAP)

A single-cartridge CAP used for priority entry and ejection of cartridges.

processing errors

Errors that result from processing or network communication failures.


Programmable read-only memory.


See Pass-Thru Port.


Relational database management system.

redo log files

Backup files used to restore the ACSLS database.

relational database

A database that is organized and accessed according to relationships between the data items; relationships are represented by tables.

Redundant Electronics

The optional SL8500 Redundant Electronics (RE) feature provides failover protection in enterprise libraries. RE uses a two sets of library controller cards. At any given time, one set is active and the other set is standby. The active library controller can failover to the standby in response to a command from ACSLS or the SL Console. Automatic failover can be initiated by the library if a library card fails.


Read-only memory.


Remote Procedure Call.


See standard CAP.


An attribute of a tape cartridges, indicating that it is blank or contains no useful data.


Small computer serial interface.


See HLI-attached.

server system

The part of the library that is the residence for ACSLS, now referred to as the Library Control System. The Library Control System acts as an interface between a library and client systems.

server system user

A person who invokes ACSLS commands, utilities, or procedures on the server system. Server system users are generally site and maintenance personnel (for example, library operators, tape librarians, system administrators, CSEs, and systems personnel).


A system that uses feedback to control a process.


A commonly used term for an LSM. See Library Storage Module.


Single inline memory module.


see cell.


See structured query language.


See service request number.


See Storage Server Interface.


Software Support Representative.

Standard CAP (SCAP)

A 21-cartridge CAP with the storage cells arranged in three rows of seven fixed cells.

Storage Server Interface (SSI)

A software component, resident on a client system, that translates and routes messages between client applications and the CSI.

structured query language (SQL)

A language used to define, access, and update data in a database.

StorageTek Library Console

the operator panel software application used for the StreamLine libraries.

system resource variable

Used to control the amount of system resources used by ACSLS.

system unit

The Library Control Platform.

tape library management system (TLMS)

A type of client application.


Transmission Control Protocol.


See tape library management system.


Time of day.


User Datagram Protocol.


An operating system originally developed by Bell Laboratories (now UNIX Systems Laboratories, Inc.) and used by a variety of computer systems.

unsolicited messages

Messages that indicate an error or notify you when a particular routine action can be taken.


Usable on codes.

upgrade installation

Performed when installing a new version of ACSLS at an existing customer site.


selectable features and options variables-Used to define various user-selectable features and options.

validation errors

Errors that result from format and syntax validation performed by cmd_proc.


Virtual enter. Entering an unlabeled cartridge with a virtual label.

virtual label

A logical volume ID (volser) that can be assigned to a cartridge when its physical label is missing or unreadable.


Volume Serial Number.


A data or cleaning cartridge.

volume access control

Limits access to volumes, usually by the client.

volume identifier

A six-character string that uniquely identifies a data or cleaning cartridge to the database.

volume serial number (volser)

A synonym for external label identifier.


write tape mark.


External data representation.


Extensible Markup Language. A universal format for structured documents and/or data on the Web.