P Accessibility Features in ACSLS

Oracle strives to provide high quality information technology that is accessible to people with disabilities. Specific accessibility features in ACSLS are summarized here.

User Interfaces

This section discusses the ACSLS user interfaces.

The ACSLS (text-only) Command-line Interface (CLI)


cmd_proc can run in curses mode or line mode. For accessibility, you must run cmd_proc in line mode by specifying the -l attribute:
cmd_proc -l

See "Using cmd_proc" for more information about cmd_proc modes.

The primary CLI in ACSLS is known as cmd_proc. An ACSLS operator can manipulate all physical library operations from the cmd_proc, including the following:

  • Tape movement activities such as mount, dismount, enter, eject and move operations.

  • Query operations for tape drive and tape volume location and status, lsm status, lmu status, and CAP status.

  • Control operations to vary all physical library resources online and offline and the ability to switch between multiple library interfaces (switch lmu).

  • Tape administrative activities such as tape ownership, pool administration, lock functions for job control, and management of cleaning cartridges.

Administrative functions that are not accessible from the CLI include the following:

  • Logical library administration: functions to create a logical library, to assign and unassign tape drives, and assign and unassign tape volumes to logical libraries.

  • Logical library operation: functions to mount and dismount logical volumes to configured drives.

A second CLI, lib_cmd, is used in lieu of the ACSLS GUI to manage logical libraries. Using lib_cmd, you can:

  • Create or delete a logical library.

  • Edit attributes of a logical library.

  • Assign and unassign volumes or drives to a logical library.

  • Define mappings between a client application and a logical library.

  • Display the status of a logical library.

  • Display the status of volumes or drives in a physical or a logical library.

  • Vary a logical library or an assigned drive online or offline.

Primary Administrative Interface: Unix Shell Functions

Primary functions to install and configure ACSLS, to backup and restore the ACSLS database, and to operate auxiliary utilities are accessible through the standard UNIX shell (sh, csh, ksh, and bash) under Solaris.

The ACSLS Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The ACSLS GUI is divided into three frames:

  • The top frame always displays the ACSLS GUI masthead with five titled navigation buttons, and summary information including user id, server id, and dashboard-level status.

  • The left-most frame always displays the expandable Navigation Tree.

  • The content displayed in the right-hand frame changes dynamically as the user asserts content selections from the Navigation Tree or the preferences button from the masthead.

The Web-based GUI enables the user to perform all logical library operations and most physical library operations. GUI library operations include the following:

  • Administrative functions to create a logical library and to assign or unassign volumes to a logical library, and to set volume ownership or cleaning attributes.

  • Physical and logical tape movement activities such as mount, dismount, enter, and eject.

  • Query operations for physical tape drive and tape volume location and status, lsm status, lmu status, and CAP status.

  • Query operations for physical library resources that have been assigned to a logical library.

  • Control operations to vary physical and logical library resources online and offline.

Administrative functions that are not accessible from the GUI include the following:

  • The ability to switch between multiple library interfaces (switch lmu).

  • Specific tape administrative activities including pool administration and lock functions for job control.

These tasks are handled through the cmd_proc interface.

Accessibility Provisions in the ACSLS GUI

  • Every page displayed in the content frame is identified with a title.

  • A text equivalent tool tip is provided for every graphical element in the GUI. A screen reader will make the alternative text available (using the mouse to hover over the respective graphical element will also show that tooltip).

  • All data tables displayed in the content frame are identified with column and row headers.

  • The expandable Navigation Tree can be configured to be fully expanded by default.

  • The Masthead includes color coded dashboard elements to indicate faulty status conditions. Color-blind users can look beside each status icon where any number higher than zero signifies the same message, while displaying how many library resources share the errant status.

Special Steps Required to Configure Accessibility Modes in ACSLS

This section discusses the special steps required to configure accessibility modes in ACSLS.

GUI Tree Menu

The ACSLS GUI provides an expanded or collapsed tree menu. By collapsing the tree menu, the complexity of the menu is hidden behind a few initial selections which become expanded as the menu portions are selected. For sight-impaired users who may rely on keyboard navigation or an audio summary of the menu, a collapsed tree menu may keep large portions of the GUI hidden from view. To enable an expanded tree menu, follow this procedure:

  1. Locate the Preferences button in the ACSLS GUI Masthead. Clicking the Preferences button will cause the Preferences page to be displayed in the GUI.

  2. In the Per-user Preferences portion of the Preferences frame, locate the 'Default Tree Menu' drop-down menu.

  3. Click the drop-down arrow and select "expanded".

  4. Once the expanded choice has been selected, click the "set" button.