Activity Approvals

You can view and select approvers, request for approvals, check status and approve project activities from the Approvals tab.

View and Select Approvers

  1. Select an activity and select > View Details > Approvals.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Select the approvers and click Save.

Request for Approval

  1. Select an activity and select > View Details > Approvals tab.
  2. Click the Request For Approval button.
  3. Select an approver and click the Request Approval button.

Approving an Activity

  1. Select an activity and select >View Details > Approvals tab.
  2. Click on the Approve button.
  3. Select the status of the activity (Approved, Approval Denied, or Conditional Approval Granted), and click Update.

Related Topics

Working with Project Activities

Adding a New Activity or Task

Assigning Resources to an Activity or Task

Adding a Document to a Roadmap or Task

Working with Project Dependencies

Working with Project Status Indicators

Working with Resource Effort Distribution

Working with Efforts and Dates

About Effort Types

Viewing Finances for an Activity

Modifying an Activity or Task

Completing an Activity

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020