Viewing the Strategy Reports

For any selected Strategy node, you can view the Strategy Detail or Strategy Roll up report based on the filter criteria.

To run a report:

  1. Click the Report tab within the Details pane of the appropriate node.
  2. From the Select Report drop-down list, select the type of report you want to run.
  3. For the the Strategy Rolloup Report, select if you want to display the data in a table or chart.
  4. Select the filter criteria.
  5. Click Run Report.

Strategy Detail Report

You can filter the report to display based on the following criteria: active and inactive status, all levels under current node, path information associated proposals, projects, and programs.

Strategy Rolloup Report

You can filter the report to display based on the following filter criteria: active and inactive status, all levels under current node, path information, project related fileds, global resource field, and organization related fields.

Related Topics

Working with the Strategy Nodes

Specifying Measures for Strategy Nodes

Adding a Measure

Modifying the Order of Measures

Setting Status Indicators for Measures

Editing Data for Measures

Associating Programs to a Strategy Node

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020