Adding a New Program Document

Program specific documents can be uploaded to the documents section located within a particular program. This is in addition to documents that were attached to a specific issue, risk, or non-WBS activity.

To add a new program specific document:

  1. Navigate to the Documents page by clicking the Documents link on the Left Navigation Bar within a particular program, or from the Top Navigation Bar select (Program #) Go To > Documents.
  2. Click the Create button.
  3. Enter a name for the document.
  4. Enter a description of the document.
  5. Select the type of document you are creating. The document types are set by your administrator.
  6. Enter the complete path to the document location, or use the Browse button to locate it on your machine or the network. You can also enter a fully qualified URL if the document is hosted external to the system.
  7. If you do not want users to modify the document, and if you have the appropriate permissions, you can choose to lock the document.
  8. To make this document a Best Practice document and add it to the Global Knowledge Base, select the Should this be published as a best practice? option. You will need the appropriate permissions to add documents to the Knowledge Base.
  9. Click Add Document to upload your document.

The document are displayed on the Documents page. Click the File Name / URL link to download or view the document.

See Also

Working with Program Documents

Update Program Documents

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Last Published Tuesday, June 9, 2020