PointInTimeValuation Rule

This is not needed. Rule is summarized in the System Rules page and it is defined in the XMLguide.

The PointInTimeValuation business rule is used to enable and configure Point-in-Time valuation. This rule is used in conjunction with the WriteValuationElements rule.

Explanation of Key Elements

There are two child elements in the PointInTimeValuation business rule.

  • The <WriteBegin> element must be set to Yes to enable PointInTimeValuation.
  • The <WriteEnd> element allows for two values: Always and FundChange.
    • Always: When <WriteEnd> is set to Always, the valuation results will be written to the database every time valuation calculations are performed on the policy.
    • FundChange: When <WriteEnd> is set to FundChange, the valuation results will only be written to the database if there has been a change in the fund value.

Refer to the prototype example for additional information.