Managing Nominations

This topic discusses how to nominate participants in documents.

Page Name

Definition Name


Nominate Participants - Add Nominees Page


Nominate participants for multi-source evaluations.

Nominate Participants - Track Nominations Page


Track the status of nominations that you submitted.

Person Search Page


Search for prospective participants to add to the nomination list.

Use the Nominate Participants page (EP_APPR_NOM_BUILD) to nominate participants for multi-source evaluations.

Image: Nominate Participants - Add Nominees page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Nominate Participants - Add Nominees page.

Nominate Participants - Add Nominees page

On this page, you can view the number of participants that are required for each role, view a list of the nominees you selected, and submit evaluation requests to nominees.

Field or Control



Click this button to save the participant list.

Submit Nominations

Click this button to save the participant list and submit the nominations to the nominees. This button only appears if the role you signed in with is enabled to submit nominations on the document template and all the previous steps are complete. Submitted nominations appear on the nominee's Pending Evaluation Requests page.

See Pending Evaluation Requests Page.


This section lists the nominees who are added by the user but not yet submitted.

Field or Control


Delete Delete

Click the Delete icon to delete a participant from the nomination list. This action is available only when the nomination list is not yet submitted.

Add <role>

Click this link to access the Person Search page (HR_PSS_SEARCH) and search for persons to nominate in the role that is listed. One Add <role> link appears for each participant role that is defined on the document template.

Make sure to save the list when you finish adding participants.

Participant Role Summary

A summary of the nomination status for each participant role appears preceding the participant list for the role. This summary lists the remaining required and maximum nominations that you must submit and have accepted before the Nominate Participants step is complete.

For example, a document template specifies these nomination requirements:


Minimum Required

Maximum Available







If one nomination for the Other role and 3 nominations for the Peer role are submitted, and one peer nomination is accepted and one is declined the role summary would appear like this:


Minimum Required

Maximum Available







Use the Track Nominations - Track Nominations page (EP_APPR_NOM_TRACK) to track the status of nominations that you submitted.

Image: Nominate Participants - Track Nominations page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Nominate Participants - Track Nominations page.

Nominate Participants - Track Nominations page


Use this scroll area to view the nomination status of each individual nominee, by role. If the Anonymity check box is selected for a role, the nominee is identified by role and a number, otherwise the nominee's name appears in the list. If the nominee accepts the request, the status is shown as Accepted.

Field or Control



Click this link to cancel a nomination request. The nomination status is then changed to canceled.


Click this link to resubmit a nomination request. This link appears for nominations that you previously canceled.


Click this link to view the nominee's comments on why they declined. This link appears if the nominee declined the evaluation request.