Understanding Guided Self-Service Transactions

In PeopleSoft eProfile Manager Desktop, guided self-service enables you to configure self-service transactions that guide users through managerial processes. You can also use guided self-service to create a single transaction that combines related tasks (for example, a promotion and a salary increase), thus simplifying processes and minimizing change management efforts.

When you configure guided self-service transactions, you choose which pages and fields to present to the manager. You can also present managers with questions about what they want to do and let the answers to the questions control which pages and fields appear. Additional configuration options control how the system processes the request. For example, you can specify an approval process, and for certain transactions you can choose whether to update position data.

With one exception, guided self-service transactions update employee job and compensation data. For employee data changes, configuration options also control which actions and action reasons are used. The delivered Update Job Details for Group transaction can update department, location, and supervisor information for multiple employees at a time. The other employee transactions update data for one employee at a time.

The delivered Clone Position transaction differs from other transactions because it does not affect employee data. Instead, it create a new position data record. Default position data comes from the position that is being cloned, and configuration options control which fields the manager can view and modify before submitting the transaction.

Oracle delivers these guided self-service transactions for managers:

  • Change Full / Part Time or Hours

  • Clone Position

  • Demote Employee

  • Promote Employee

  • Request Ad Hoc Salary Change

  • Request Location Change

  • Request Leave of Absence (used for unpaid leaves of absence)

  • Request Paid Leave of Absence

  • Request Reporting Change

  • Retire Employee

  • Terminate Employee

  • Transfer Employee

  • Update Job Details for Group

Guided self-service transactions are also configured to use workflow and approval capabilities. For more information on manager self-service transactions and using approvals, see Understanding the Management of Direct Reports.