Understanding the Management of Direct Reports

These topics provide an overview of eProfile Manager Desktop transactions, the process flow for these transactions, and list prerequisites.

Note: This topic does not discuss guided self-service transactions. To learn about guided self-service transactions, see Configuring Guided Self-Service Transactions for Manager Self-Service and Performing Guided Self-Service Transactions in Manager Self-Service.

Managers can use the following eProfile Manager Desktop transactions to:

  • View a direct report's information on one page.

  • Change an employee's status to full-time or part-time.

  • Change an employee's reporting manager.

  • Assign an employee to another work location.

  • Promote an employee.

  • Initiate the employee retirement process.

  • Initiate the employee termination process.

  • Transfer an employee.

  • Request an employee job change that requires works council approval.

  • Review military rank change requests.

  • Add employees and contingent workers using templates and view the hire status.

Most of the transactions in eProfile Manager Desktop can be configured to either:

  • Use an approval process.

  • Automatically update the database.

  • Send notifications to an administrator.

The following table lists each of the self service transactions and the features that can be configured for each:


Use Approval Process

Automatic Database Update

Send Notifications

Change Full/Part Time Status




Change Reporting Managers



Handled by approval process.

Change Work Locations




Promote Employees



Handled by approval process.

Retire Employees




Terminate Employees




Transfer Employees



Handled by approval process.

View Employees' Information

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Change Jobs (Works Council)

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Military Rank Change


Yes, based on Military Processing Definition

See Understanding the Military Change Rank and Notification Process.

Handled by approval process.

Template-Based Hire

Not Applicable

Yes, based on the Template Create - Configuration

See Understanding Smart HR Templates.

Not Applicable

Image: Process flow for self-service transactions with optional approvals, database updates, and notifications

The following diagram illustrates the process flow that begins when a self-service user submits a request. The diagram shows both the basic process flow and the alternate flows for approvals, database updates, and notifications:

Process flow for self-service transactions with optional approvals, database updates, and notifications

There are four main sections to this process flow:

  • A request is submitted.

  • The request uses an approval process.

  • The request allows automatic updates to the database.

  • The request doesn't allow automatic updates to the database.

Request is Submitted

When a manager submits a request, an email notification confirming that the request was successfully submitted may be sent to the manager. The following table lists the eProfile Manager Desktop transactions, the criteria that determines whether a notification is sent, and the template that is used:



Notification Template

Change Full/Part Time Status

Change Location

Retire Employee

Terminate Employee

Notify User - Entry check box is selected on the System Workflow Rules page.



Handled by approval process. The email that is sent depends on is determined by the following conditions:

  • Are approvals required?

  • Are database updates allowed?

  • Is the changed controlled by position management?

For requests that:

  • Require an approval process, HR_SUBMIT_SINGLE_EE

  • Do not require an approval process, allow database updates, and the job is not controlled by position management, HR_TRANSACTION_SAVED_SINGLE_EE. The notification is sent when the transaction is saved successfully to the database.

  • Do not require an approval process, allow database updates, and the job is controlled by position management, HR_ADMIN_APV_MANUAL_PROC_SINGL.

  • Do not require an approval process, nor do they allow database updates, HR_SUBMIT_NOAPV_SINGLE_EE

Reporting Change

Handled by approval process. The email that is sent depends on is determined by the following conditions:

  • Are approvals required?

  • Are database updates allowed?

  • Is the changed controlled by position management?

For requests that:

  • Require an approval process, HR_SUBMIT_MULTI_EE.

  • Do not require an approval process, allow database updates, and the job is not controlled by position management, HR_TRANSACTION_SAVED_MULTI_EE. The notification is sent when the transaction is saved successfully to the database.

  • Do not require an approval process, allow database updates, and the job is controlled by position management, HR_ADMIN_MANUAL_PROC_REPCH.

  • Do not require an approval process, nor do they allow database updates, HR_SUBMIT_NOAPV_REPCHG_EE.

Approval Process Required

Approvals apply only to the Change Reporting Manager, Promote Employee, Transfer Employee, and Military Rank Change transactions. PeopleSoft delivers the following approval process IDs that are set up using the Register Transactions (EOAW_TXN) component.

  • ReportingChgEmployee

  • PromoteEmployee

  • TransferEmployee

  • MilitaryRankChange

When approvals are required, the system uses the following rules to identify the approving manager:

  • For promotions and transfers, the originator must select a promotion or transfer method. If the method is By Position, the Reports To field on the Job Information page determines the approving manager. If the method is By Job Title/Department, the Supervisor ID field on the Job Information page for the new position determines the approving manager.

  • For reporting changes, the Supervisor ID corresponding to the reporting change determines the approving manager.

  • For rank changes, the Career Manager (or clerk) creates the rank change request, identifying approvers and reviewers by role in the Rank Change MIL component. The unit commanders method is configured on the Military Processing Definition page. If the method is By Position, the Reports To field on the Job Information page determines the approving manager. If the method is By Job Title/Department, the Supervisor ID field on the Job Information page for the new position determines the approving manager.

    See Rank Change MIL - Military Rank Change Page, Military Processing Definition Page.

Note: If an approving manager cannot be found, Approval Framework automatically routes the transaction to any person who is in the administrator role listed on the process definition.

Once the approving manager is determined, the system checks to see if a proxy is active for the manager. If so, that proxy becomes the approving manager. A notification is sent to either the approving manager or the proxy that states there is a request that requires his or her attention.


Notification Template

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee


Reporting Change


Military Rank Change


The approving manager either approves or denies the request. If the manager approves the request, the following notification is sent to the originator stating that the request has been approved.


Notification Template

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee


Reporting Change


If the manager denies the request, the following notification is sent to the originator stating the request has been denied.


Notification Template

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee


Reporting Change


You can add more approvers to the approval process by modifying the approval process.

See Understanding Approvals.

Database Update Not Allowed

The system checks to see if automatic updates to the database are allowed. If the Allow DB Update check box on the self service Workflow Configurations page is not selected, the system sends the following notification to the administrator stating the transaction requires their approval:


Notification Template

Change Full/Part Status

Change Location

Retire Employee

Terminate Employee

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee


Reporting Change


If the administrator approves the transaction, the system sends the following email to the originator stating the request has been approved and applied to the database:


Notification Template

Change Full/Part Status

Change Location

Retire Employee

Terminate Employee

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee


Reporting Change


If the administrator does not approve the transaction, the system sends the following email to the originator stating the request has been denied:


Notification Template

Change Full/Part Status

Change Location

Retire Employee

Terminate Employee

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee


Reporting Change


Database Updates Allowed

The system checks to see if automatic updates to the database are allowed. This processing occurs if the Allow DB Update check box on the self service Workflow Configurations page is selected.

If automatic updates are allowed, the system also checks to see if the transaction involves an employee whose job is controlled by position management. If the job is controlled by position management, an administrator must update the database. The following email notification is sent to the workflow administrator stating that a transaction requires his or her attention:



Change Full/Part Status

Change Location

Retire Employee

Terminate Employee

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee


Reporting Change


If the update to the database is a success, the system sends the following email to the originator:



Change Full/Part Status

Change Location

Retire Employee

Terminate Employee

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee


Reporting Change


If the update to the database is a success, the system checks to see if the administrator needs to be notified. The system sends the following email, if the check boxes for Notify On Success or Notify on Warnings on the Admin Notification Setup page are selected, or if the system updated the database with a future dated row:



Change Full/Part Status

Change Location

Retire Employee

Terminate Employee

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee




Reporting Change




The PeopleSoft Approval Workflow Engine (AWE) enables you to take action on approval requests directly from an email using the HTML Email Approval functionality.

PeopleSoft 9.2 HTML Email Approvals

When enabled and a requestor submits a transaction for approval, an email is generated and sent to the approver(s), which contains detailed information about the transaction request. Based on the transaction’s configured actions, an approver can take action directly from the email by clicking a link, such as Approve, Deny, or Pushback, to generate a reply to the request. The email may display requestor comments and, if applicable, view approval history from other approvers.

The HTML Email Approval feature delivers HTML email templates for some of the key PeopleSoft HCM Talent Management transactions. This table lists these transactions, with their corresponding process IDs:


Transaction Process ID

Additional Information About the Transaction

Job Opening

Job Offer



Approving Job Offers

Absence Request

Extended Absence Request



Self Service Pages Used by Managers to Manage Absence Requests

Promote Employee

Transfer Employee

Reporting Change




Understanding the Management of Direct Reports

Performance Document


Working with Approvals and Reviews

Note: This feature is dependent on the Approvals Framework delivered by Enterprise Components. Any transactions that do not use the Approvals Framework for approvals will not be generated as HTML emails.

For more information on configuring HTML email approvals, see Triggering Email Collaboration.

Responding to a Request

The approver can act upon an email request by selecting the appropriate action link that appears at the bottom of the email request.

Image: Example of an approval response email

Upon selecting an action, a response email will open. The email includes instructional text to let the user know where to enter comments, if any.

Example of an approval response email

The approver can enter comments after the emcFieldComments text, but this is not a requirement. Note that any other identifiers should not be removed or modified.

Note: If an approver takes an action from an email for a request that is no longer pending his or her approval, the system will open a similar reply email as previously mentioned. However, upon processing the response email, the system will send an email back to the approver indicating that the action was not applied as the approval request was no longer pending his or her action.

Before you can use the eProfile Manager Desktop transactions you must:

  1. Activate eProfile Manager Desktop on the Installation table.

    See Products Page.

  2. Define position management on the HCM Options page.

    The position management setting determines whether automatic updates, by nonadministrators, are allowed for certain transactions. Automatic updates can only occur if position data is not affected.

    See HCM Options Page.

    See Configuring Self-Service Transactions.

  3. Set up security.

    eProfile Manager Desktop uses permission lists, roles, and user profiles to authorize or deny access to transactions and data. PeopleSoft delivers the following permission lists and roles for eProfile Manager Desktop:

    Permission Lists





    Manager Self-Service - Fed


    Personal Info-Employee - Fed

    Note: Remember to enter an email address for each user profile, otherwise, email routings used by workflow will not work.

    See Understanding PeopleSoft Security.

  4. Define whether a transaction uses an approval process.

    You can activate an approval process for the Promote Employee, Reporting Change, and Transfer Employee transactions using the self service Workflow Configurations page. If the system identifies that an approval process is used by a transaction, the HCM Approval Framework for the transaction is followed. PeopleSoft delivers the PromoteEmployee, TransferEmployee, and ReportingChgEmployee approval processes.

    See Workflow Configurations Page.

  5. Define if a transaction automatically updates the database.

    Use the self service Workflow Configurations page to define whether the transaction will update the database without an administrator's intervention.

    See Workflow Configurations Page.

  6. Link the self-service transaction to the approval process ID in the Approve Workflow Engine (AWE) and Transaction section on the Workflow Transactions page.

    PeopleSoft delivers the PromoteEmployee, ReportingChgEmployee, and TransferEmployee approval processes already linked to their appropriate self-service transaction.

    See Understanding Approvals.

  7. Define rules for workflow notifications.

    Workflow can be set up to notify the administrator when a transaction successfully updates the database and when the system detects a warning with the update.

    See Admin Notification Setup Page.

  8. Configure and manage HTML email approvals.

    The Enterprise Components AWE framework supports the HTML email approvals as delivered. However, you will need to enable HTML email approvals for your transactions and review email templates to ensure they meet your organization’s requirements.

    See Triggering Email Collaboration

  9. Set up the manager's data access to their direct reports.

    eProfile Manager Desktop uses access types to control a manager's access to employee data. Normally, the manager who initiates a transaction can only view data for his or her direct reports. Access types enable the system to determine who reports to the initiating manager.

    Note: This does not apply to the Promote Employee, Reporting Change, and Transfer Employee transactions.

    See Configuring Direct Reports Functionality.