Viewing the HR Job and Plan Careers Pagelets

These topics discuss the:

  • Career History pagelet.

  • Career Planning pagelet.

The Career History pagelet displays job summary information for the employee.

Image: Career History pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Career History pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Career History pagelet

This pagelet displays a grid with a list of jobs that the employee holds and has held in the past, most recent jobs first.

Field or Control


View Details or View All

Click this link to open the Career History model window to view all of the employee’s job history. The Career History model window also displays the employment record number for the person.

The View Details link appears when there are five or fewer rows of job history.

The View All link appears when there are more than five rows of history.

The Career Planning pagelet displays career paths for the employee.

Image: Career Planning pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Career Planning pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Career Planning pagelet

Use this pagelet to view the mobility preferences for an employee. The pagelet may also display up to 3 grids to view the employee’s different types of career paths: the Official Path, the Manager Approved Path, and the Personal Path, if applicable. The grids will appear only when there is data to display. The Personal Path grid will appear only if it has data to display and if the employee has not marked the personal career path as private.

Field or Control


Willing To

Display the mobility preferences for this employee. Mobility preferences are maintained in the person’s profile. The check mark indicates an employee is willing to relocate, travel, or take an international assignment for his or her job.

Career Move

Identifies the order of career steps. For example, 1st Move is the first step in the suggested career path.


Displays the preference order of jobs when more than one job is associated with a career move.

Job Title

Identifies the suggested job for an employee’s career progression.


Displays when this employee is or will be ready for this career move. Values are: 1-2 Yrs, 3-5 Yrs, Emergency, Ready Now, and Retirement.

Manage Career Plan icon Manage Career Plan

Click this link to open the Manage Careen Plan component and manage career information for this employee.

Career Progression Chart icon Career Progression Chart

Click this link to open the Career Progression Chart page and see a graphical representation of an employee's career path.

Search and Compare Profiles icon Search and Compare Profiles

Click this link to open the Search for Profiles page to perform profile comparisons between this employee and other employees or jobs within the organization.

View All <number>

Click this link when more than five rows of data appear in a grid to view additional career move options for this person.