(CAN) Using the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to Manage Consent for Electronic Year-End Forms

This topic discusses how employees use the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to manage consent for electronic year-end forms for Canada.

See also Managing Consent for Electronic Year-End Forms.

The following video provides an overview of Fluid Year-End Forms T4 and T4-A for Canada:

Fluid Year-End Forms T4 and T4-A for Canada

The following video provides an overview of Fluid Year-End Forms RL-1 and RL-2 for Quebec:

Fluid Year-End Forms RL-1 and RL-2 for Quebec

Page Name

Definition Name


Payroll Tile

HC_PY_SS_NAVCOLL_FL (cref for the tile)

PY_IC_WH_PTILE_FLU (page for dynamic data)

Access a collection of self-service payroll transactions.

T4/T4A Consent Page


Request or withdraw consent to stop receiving paper T4 and T4A slips.

View T4/T4A Slips Page


View and print T4/T4A slips, listed by tax year.

Verify Identity Page


Authenticate the changes.

RL-1/RL-2 Consent page


Request or withdraw consent to stop receiving paper RL-1 and RL-2 slips.

View RL-1/RL–2 Slips Page


View and print RL-1/RL–2 slips, listed by tax year.

Employees can submit or withdraw consent to receive year-end forms electronically using Fluid Self-Service.

To update the consent:

  1. Access the Payroll page using Payroll tile.

  2. Select the required consent page from the left navigation pane and select the check box to indicate that consent is being submitted or withdrawn.

  3. Once you select the Submit button, the Verify Identity Page appears for authentication.

  4. Enter your PeopleSoft user ID and password for identity verification and select the Continue button.

    The system updates the employee’s consent status, displays a confirmation page, and sends the employee a confirmation email. The confirmation email is sent to the employee’s preferred email address as indicated in the employee’s personal data record. If the employee does not have a preferred email address, the consent status is still updated, but a message informs the employee that no email will be sent.

Note: If an employee has an invalid email address (such as an email address with invalid characters), the system does not update the employee’s consent. A message informs the employee that consent cannot be updated until a valid email address is on file.

User Roles

Field or Control


NA Payroll Fluid T4 User

This role is required to view the T4/T4A folder which includes the T4/T4A view slips and consent forms.

NA Payroll Fluid RL User

This role is required to view the RL-1/RL-2 folder which includes the RL-1/Rl-2 view slips and consent forms.

Push Notification

Employees receive push notification when year-end forms are generated.

Use the T4/T4A Consent page (PY_T4_CONSENT_FL) to submit or withdraw consent to stop receiving paper T4 and T4A slips.

Image: (Desktop) T4/T4A Consent page

This example illustrates that T4/T4A Consent page for employees who are currently receiving paper forms.

T4/T4A Consent Page

Image: (Smartphone) T4/T4A Consent page

This example illustrates that T4/T4A Consent page for employees who are currently receiving paper forms.

T4/T4A Consent page_smartphone

Image: (Desktop) T4/T4A Consent Withdrawal Form page

This example illustrates the T4/T4A Consent Withdrawal Form page for employees currently receiving electronic forms.

T4/T4A Consent Withdrawal Form page

Image: (Smartphone) T4/T4A Consent Withdrawal Form page

This example illustrates the T4/T4A Consent Withdrawal Form page for employees currently receiving electronic forms.

T4/T4A Consent Withdrawal Form page_Smartphone

Changing Consent

These page elements appear when an employee accesses the page.

Field or Control


Check here to indicate your consent to stop receiving paper T4 and T4A slips.

This check box appears if the employee currently receives paper forms by mail. The employee selects this box to give consent to receive the forms electronically and stop receiving paper slips.

Check here to withdraw your consent to stop receiving paper T4 and T4A slips.

This check box appears if the employee currently receives their year-end slips electronically. The employee selects this box to withdraw consent and receive paper T4 and T4A slips.


Select this button to submit the changes. On selecting the button, the Verify Identity Page.

Confirmation Information

The T4/T4A page displays confirmation information once the employees verify their identity and complete the process of submitting or withdrawing consent.

Image: (Desktop) T4/T4A Consent page after a change is submitted

This example illustrates the T4/T4A Consent page after an employee has submitted consent to receive year-end forms electronically.

T4/T4A Consent Confirmation page

Image: (Smartphone) T4/T4A Consent page after a change is submitted

This example illustrates the T4/T4A Consent page after an employee has submitted consent to receive year-end forms electronically.

T4/T4A Consent Confirmation_Smartphone

Use the Verify Identity page to enter their password to confirm their consent for electronic year-end forms.

Image: Verify Identity page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Verify Identity page.

Verify Identity page

Employees verify their identity by entering their PeopleSoft password and then clicking the Continue button.

After the employee’s identity is verified, the employee’s new consent status is saved.

Use the View T4/T4A Slips page (PY_SS_YET4_FORM_FL) to view the T4/T4A slips in Employee Self Service.

Note: Employees can submit or withdraw consent to stop receiving paper T4 and T4A slips using T4/T4A Consent Page.

Image: View T4/T4A Slips page

This example illustrates the View T4/T4A Slips Page when the employee has given the consent.

View T4/T4A Slips Page

Image: (Smartphone) View T4/T4A Slips page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View T4/T4A Slips page.

View T4/T4A Slips_sff page

Field or Control


View Tax Year

Canadian employees who have consented to receive electronic slips can view and print year-end slips and filing instructions, listed by tax year.

Note: If the employee has not given consent, they can only view and print year-end slips from 2017 onwards. If the consent is given, employees can view and print year-end slips from previous years.

Sort icon

Employees can sort the list based on Tax Slip, Province and Wage Loss Plan. If the employee is associated with multiple companies, sorting can also be done based on Company.

View Slip

Click the View Slip button to view and print the year-end slip.

View Details

View Details button appears for employees with multiple slips. Select the button to open View T4 Details page.

Image: View T4 Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View T4 Details page.

View T4 Details page

Employees can view Original, Amended, Canceled and Re-Issued T4/T4 A slips using View T4 Details page.

The employees who are associated with multiple companies can also view their T4/T4A slips using View T4/T4A Slips page.

Image: View T4/T4A Slips (Employee with Multiple Companies)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View T4/T4A Slips when an employee is associated with multiple companies.

View T4T4A slips page multiple company

Use the RL-1/RL-2 Consent page (PY_RL_CONSENT_FL) to request or withdraw consent to stop receiving paper RL-1 and RL-2 slips.

Image: (Desktop) RL-1/RL-2 Consent page

This example illustrates that RL-1/RL-2 Consent page for employees who currently stopped receiving paper year-end slips.

RL-1 RL-2 Consent page

Image: (Smartphone) RL-1/RL-2 Consent page

This example illustrates that RL-1/RL-2 Consent page for employees who currently stopped receiving paper year-end slips.

RL-1/RL-2 Consent page_Smartphone

Image: (Desktop) RL-1/RL-2 Consent Withdrawal Form page

This example illustrates the RL-1/RL-2 Consent Withdrawal Form page for employees who stopped receiving paper year-end slips.

Image: (Smartphone) RL-1/RL-2 Consent Withdrawal Form page

This example illustrates the RL-1/RL-2 Consent Withdrawal Form page for employees who stopped receiving paper year-end slips.

RL-1/RL-2 Consent Withdrawal Form page_Smartphone

Changing Consent

These page elements appear when an employee accesses the page.

Field or Control


Check here to indicate your consent to stop receiving paper RL-1 and RL-2 slips.

This check box appears if the employee currently receives paper forms by mail. The employee selects this box to submit consent to receive the forms electronically.

Check here to withdraw your consent to stop receiving paper RL-1 and RL-2 slips.

This check box appears if the employee currently receives the year-end slips electronically. The employee selects this box to withdraw consent and start receiving paper RL-1 and RL-2 slips.


Select this button to submit the changes. On selecting the button, the Verify Identity Page.

Confirmation Information

The RL-1/RL-2 page displays confirmation information once the employees verify their identity and complete the process of giving or withdrawing consent.

Image: (Desktop) Consent page after a change is submitted

This example illustrates the RL-1/RL-2 Consent page after an employee has submitted consent to stop receiving paper slips.

Image: (Smartphone) Consent page after a change is submitted

This example illustrates the RL-1/RL-2 Consent page after an employee has submitted consent to stop receiving paper slips.

RL-1 RL-2 Consent confirmation page_Smartphone

Use the View RL-1/RL–2 Slips page (PY_SS_YE_RL_VW_FL) to view the RL-1/RL–2 slips in Employee Self Service.

Note: Employees can request or withdraw consent to stop receiving paper RL-1 and RL–2 slips using RL-1/RL-2 Consent page.

Image: (Desktop) View RL-1/RL–2 Slips Page

This example illustrates the View RL-1/RL–2 Slips Page when the employee has submitted consent to stop receiving paper year-end slips.

(Desktop) View RL-1/RL-2 Slips page

Image: (Smartphone) View RL-1/RL–2 Slips Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View RL-1/RL–2 Slips page.

(Smartphone) View RL-1/RL-2 Slips page

Field or Control


View Tax Year

Canadian employees who have consented to receive electronic slips can view and print year-end slips and filing instructions, listed by tax year.

Note: If the employee has not given consent, they can only view and print year-end slips from 2017 onwards. If the consent is given, employees can view and print year-end slips from previous years.

Sort icon

Employees can sort the list based on Tax Slip, Province and Wage Loss Plan. If the employee is associated with multiple companies, sorting can also be done based on Company.

View Slip

Click the View Slip button to view and print the year-end slip.

View Details

View Details button appears for employees with multiple slips. Select the button to open View RL-1 Details page.

Image: View RL-1 Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View RL-1 Details page.

View RL-1 Details page