Setting Up Screening Templates

To set up screening templates, use the Screening Template (HRS_SCREEN_TMPL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Screening Template Page


Create a screening template.

Use screening templates to define default screening options that the system applies to job openings that are associated with the template. The default settings include a list of screening levels, the order in which the screening levels are processed, and whether applicants must pass the previous level in order to be processed by the next screening level.

For U.S. Federal agencies, there are also default settings related to score augmentation, veterans preferences, tie breakers, and candidate ranking. The template does not, however, include transmutation settings, which are configured in individual job openings.

Note: Screening templates do not include specific screening criteria. The criteria is job-specific and therefore must be configured in the Job Opening component.

Before you begin to set up screening templates, define the screening levels that you want to include in the template.

See Setting Up Screening Level Definitions.

Use the Screening Template page (HRS_SCREEN_TMPL) to create a screening template.

Image: Screening Template page

This example illustrates the Screening Template page.

Screening Template page

Image: (USF) Screening Template page

This example illustrates the Screening Template page in a US Federal system.

Screening Template page - US Federal

Note: The settings on this page are default settings that the system uses for job openings that are associated with this template. Everything that you configure here can be changed in the Job Opening component.

Screening Definition

Field or Control


Screening Template ID

Template IDs are automatically assigned when you create the template.


Indicate whether the definition is Active or Inactive. Only active templates are available for selection in recruitment templates. The system displays a warning if you attempt to inactivate a template that is used in a recruitment template.


Enter an identifying name for this template A descriptive name helps you when you reference the template from within a recruitment template.

Max Total Points (maximum total points)

Enter the maximum points that an applicant can accumulate across all screening levels. During the applicant ranking process in U.S. federal implementations, the Rank Applicants page shows applicants' final scores both as numbers and as a percentage of the value you enter here, which is typically 100.

Must Pass Previous Levels

Select this check box if the applicant must pass the previous screening level before being evaluated for the next screening level.

This setting does not apply to:

  • The first screening level, as indicated by the lowest sequence number.

  • Prescreening or online screening levels.

    Prescreening is always the first screening level anyway. Online screening can be preceded by prescreening (although the best practice is to use only one or the other in a job opening), but because failing prescreening stops the online application process, applicants cannot even reach the online screening level without passing any preliminary prescreening.

(USF) Federal

Field or Control


Raw Augmented Score Limit

Enter the total number of augmentation points that can be awarded. You can configure screening to award augmentation points for certain competencies or accomplishments that are not required for the position but may be given consideration in the selection process.

Raw Veterans Pref Score Limit (raw veterans preference score limit)

Enter the maximum number of points that can be added to an applicant's final screening score for veterans preference. The number that you enter overrides veterans preference score higher than the limit.

Tie Break Number

Enter a random number to use in the tie-breaking algorithm for ranking applicants.

(USF) Competitive and Non-Competitive

The same fields appear in the Competitive and Non-Competitive group boxes so that you can separately configure ranking options for competitive and noncompetitive applicants.

Field or Control


Rank Candidates of Category 1, Rank Candidates of Category 2, Rank Candidates of Category 3, and Rank Candidates of Category 4

At the end of the applicant screening process, score thresholds are applied to classify the candidates as qualified, well-qualified, or best-qualified. The system then considers these qualification classifications along with the applicants's priority processing status and places applicants in these four categories:

  • Category 1: Qualified, well qualified, and best qualified applicants with Must Select priority placement.

  • Category 2: Well qualified and best qualified applicants with Must Consider priority placement.

  • Category 3: Best qualified applicants with no priority placement.

  • Category 4: Qualified and well qualified applicants with no priority placement.

Select check boxes for each category of applicants that are to be included in the final applicant ranking that produces the Certificate of Eligibles.

See Understanding Priority Placement Processing.

Veteran Preferred in Tie Break

Select this check box if you want applicants with veteran status to win tiebreakers during the ranking process.

Screening Levels

Use this grid to add screening levels to the template.

Field or Control


Sequence number

Assign each screening level an order number. This, in turn, becomes the default order of the screening levels in the job opening.

Screening levels for prescreening and online screening always appear first (prescreening before online screening if both exist). You cannot change the order for these screening levels.

Screening ID

Select the screening level definitions that you want to include in the template