Manage Employee Reviews Business Process Implementation

Use the Excel to Component Interface utility in Profile Management with the Competencies component interface to populate the business process tables. This component interface helps you to load competencies into the Content Catalog used by Manage Employee Reviews business process.

See Manage Profiles Implementation.

This table lists the Employee Review component that has a component interface:


Component Interface




See Completing Manager Evaluation Documents.

Refer to the PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 - Reorganization of Component Interface Permissions (Doc ID 2342162.1) MOS posting for a list of system-delivered CIs and their usage, the mapping of CIs and associated permission lists, and the mapping of CI permission lists and user roles.

See PeopleTools: Component Interfaces and PeopleTools: Setup Manager

In the planning phase of your implementation, take advantage of all PeopleSoft sources of information, including the installation guides, table-loading sequences, data models, and business process maps. A complete list of these resources is available in Application Fundamentals.

Important! The order in which you set up the tables that are required to implement Manage Employee Reviews business process may vary. The order may depend on the features that you want to use and whether you are implementing more than one PeopleSoft application. The information provided in this topic offers a high-level overview of how our documentation maps to the overall implementation process; it doesn't offer step-by-step guidance on how to perform an actual implementation.