Understanding the Merge Process

Use the merge process to synchronize data in the JOB, JOB_JR, and COMPENSATION tables (Job Data tables) with data in Manage French Public Sector tables.

Note: The merge process is available only after a hire is validated.

The following French Public Sector data is included in the merge process:

  • Civil Service Position

  • Step Increment/Promotion

  • Assignment Data

  • Work Time Data

  • Categorization Data

Following a merge, the data in the JOB, JOB_JR, and COMPENSATION tables mirrors the data in the Manage French Public Sector tables and is available for payroll processing.

The system observes these rules when merging data from French Public Sector into the JOB, JOB_JR, and COMPENSATION tables:

  • For each event or action recorded in one of the French Public Sector components, a row is created in the Job Data records with the same effective date and action.

  • The system includes only actual actions in the merge process, not requests.

  • If a single action is recorded with the same effective date in more than one French Public Sector Component, the system creates one row for the actions in the Job Data records.

  • If different actions are recorded with the same effective date in the French Public Sector components, multiple rows are generated in the Job Data records with a different sequence number for each action.

    Apart from the action code and the sequence number, all other fields are similar in the Job Data rows.

There are three SQRs and one Application Engine process used to merge data:

  • FPA504 Full Employee Merge SQR.

    Run this SQR once during initial setup or data conversion to create job data.

    This SQR merges all French Public Sector employee data into the JOB, JOB_JR, and COMPENSATION tables.

    Note: Launch this process from the Prepare Merge Process FPS page by clicking the Run button and then selecting the Full Employee Merge check box on the Process Scheduler Request page.

  • FPA503 Daily Employee Merge SQR.

    Run this SQR on a daily basis to pick up and merge changes to employee data that occur after the initial FPA504 process is run. It updates the JOB, JOB_JR, and COMPENSATION tables for all employee IDs and record numbers that have been modified since the last update.

    This SQR uses the FPAEEUPDROW record to check for updates to French Public Sector data and to merge these changes into the Job Data records, and uses the FPAEEDELROW record to perform deletions and recreate all data in the Job Data records.

    The FPA503 SQR performs deletions and updates according to these rules:

    • Each time a change is recorded in the Chg Civil Service Position FPS, the Increment Step/Promotion FPS, the Update Assignment FPS, the Update Work Time FPS, the Update Compensation FPS, and the Update Categorization FPS components, or a batch process modifies the Grade/Step of an employee (as in the case of automatic step increments or retroactivity), the FPA503 Daily Employee Merge SQR stores the impacted EMPLID, EMPL_RCD#, and effective date of the change in the FPAEEUPDROW record.

    • Similarly, whenever a row is deleted in the Chg Civil Service Position FPS, Delete Career Data FPS, Update Assignment FPS, Update Work Time FPS, Update Compensation FPS, or Update Categorization FPS components, the FPA503 Daily Employee Merge SQR stores the impacted EMPLID and EMPL_RCD# in the FPAEEDELROW record.

    • When the daily merge process is run, if the SQR finds a row in FPAEEDELROW for an EMPLID/EMPL_RCD# combination, it recreates the job data in JOB, JOB_JR, and COMPENSATION from the hire date. Otherwise, the SQR queries the FPAEEUPDROW record and identifies the oldest effective date stored in this record for a given EMPLID/EMPL_RCD# combination. The job data (JOB, JOB_JR, COMPENSATION) for this EMPLID/EMPL_RCD# combination will then be recreated starting from this effective date.

    • At the end of the merge process, the system clears out all of the data in the FPAEEDELROW and FPAEEUPDROW records. This way, only employees impacted by a new change will be processed the next time the merge process is run.

    Note: Launch this process from the Prepare Merge Process FPS page by clicking the Run button and then selecting the Merge Process check box on the Process Scheduler Request page.

  • FPA501 Single Employee Merge SQR.

    Run this SQR to update the JOB, JOB_JR, and COMPENSATION tables for a particular EMPLID and EMPL_RCD#. It is used for individual hires when you want to update job data.

    Note: Launch this process from the Merge Employee Record FPS page by clicking the Run button.

  • Application Engine process HR_FPA_CI.

    During the merge process (for full, daily, or single employee merges), this Application Engine process loads data from the French Public Sector tables into Job Data tables using a component interface.

Generating Components of Pay During the Merge Process

For civil servants, the base compensation generated in the Compensation record comes from the index (attached to the step) multiplied by the point value. In addition, there might be individual premiums granted in the Grant Premiums FPS (FPAEEPREMIUM) component. Also, grade or job code premiums defined in the Grades (FPMRANK_PNL) and Jobcode Premiums (FPMJB_RATECODE) components are taken into account based on the grade and job code of the employee.

For non civil servants, the base compensation comes from the Update Compensation FPS (FPAEESALARY_PNL) component. Then individual premiums in the Grant Premiums FPS (FPAEEPREMIUM) component and job code premiums defined in the Jobcode Premiums (FPMJB_RATECODE) component are added.