
All automatic step increment processes use the following tables:

  • FPS Installation.

    The processes use these fields: Days Before (Sub)Step Increment, Action for (Sub)Step Increment, Seniority Calculation, and Terminating Date.

  • Status/Population Codes.

    The system checks whether the automatic step increment is authorized for each status. Processes are run only for employees whose statuses authorize career management and automatic step increment. The Career Data Authorized and Automatic (Sub)Step Increment check boxes on the Status/Population Codes page must be selected.

  • Salary Grade Steps.

    The processes use these fields on the Salary Grade Steps page: Length in Step or Sub-step, Minimum Length for (Sub)Step Incr, Automatic (Sub)Step Increment, and Next (Sub)Step for Increment. The processes consider only employees whose current steps allow automatic advancement.

  • Civil Service Positions.

    The system checks whether automatic step increment is authorized for each civil service position. The employee's civil service position at the advancement date must authorize automatic advancement. If it does not, advancement is postponed until the employee's civil service position changes.