Booking CAE with an Insufficient Margin

You may need to book CAE when the CAEC margin is either zero or less than the employee proration ratio. To allocate this CAE, you can prebook, lock in, or overstaff.

Before prebooking, locking in, or overstaffing, access the CAE Allocation page and enter the approval date and expected end date of the CAE you are booking.

This section discusses how to book CAE with an insufficient margin.

Page Name

Definition Name


CAE to be Deallocated Page


Prebook or lock in CAE.

CAEC to be Locked in Page


View CAECs that can support a lock-in and select a lock-in.

Unlock CAE Page


End lock-ins for CAECs.

Use the CAE to be Deallocated page (FP_AVLBL_CA_PNL) to prebook or lock in CAE.

The page displays all CAEs that:

  • Belong to the same CAEC.

  • Will be deallocated after today's date.

  • Will be deallocated on the application date of the CAE you are processing.

Select the CAE to be reused in the Link CAE Control column. The system does not recalculate the margin. The selected CAE is considered reused CAE. The CAE being processed is considered CAE to be allocated.

If no deallocation is expected before the new CAE application date, you can lock in another CAE. To lock in, you check another CAEC's available margin and lock in the necessary budget position ratio. This generates an overstaffing in the CAEC with an insufficient margin. Click the Lock In CAEC button on the CAE Booking page.

Use the CAEC to be Locked in page (FPM_CA_LCK_HDCNT) to view CAECs that can support a lock-in and select a lock-in.

This page displays the CAECs that can support a lock in.

Field or Control


Lock Order

Displays the lock order that determines the priority of CAECs to be locked in.

Locking In

Select Yes when you have identified a CAEC with a sufficient CAE margin. The category selected supports a lock-in while an Authorized Overstaffing is generated in the CAEC to be allocated.

Use the Unlock CAE page (FPA_CA_OVF_RO_PNL1) to end lock-ins for CAECs.

Select End Lock In for those CAECs you want to unlock. The CAE Margin and Overstaff Authorized values are automatically updated. The associated CAE proration ratio is subtracted from both values.

When pre-booking and locking in are not possible, you can generate a special overstaffing in the CAEC and create the CAE.

To overstaff:

  1. Access the CAE Allocation page.

  2. Enter the approval date, and expected end date, if known.

  3. Access the CAE Booking page.

  4. Click the Overstaffing button.

The system increases the number of Potential Overstaffing and CAEs Booked not Stamped by the value of the employee proration ratio. The financial controller must stamp the overstaffing activity. The system reduces overstaffing as soon as it is possible.