Browsing Elements

Page Name

Definition Name


Search Country Page


Select the country for which you want to browse elements.

Element Browser Page


Browse element information for a selected country.

Element Compare Page


Use to compare elements.

The Global Payroll Element Browser enables you to browse elements by country. It presents consolidated details for each element including the relationships between it and other elements. You can use it to browse elements for Global Payroll Core, Absence Management, and all Global Payroll Country Extensions.

The Element Browser provides an easy way to navigate the elements associated with a particular country. In addition, it serves as a learning tool by providing quick access to detailed information on elements associated with a particular feature or country extension.

The following video includes a demonstration of the Element Browser.

Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 17

Use the Search Country page (GPSC_ELM_SRCH_FL) to select the country for which you want to browse elements.

Image: Search Country page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Country page.

Search Country page

Field or Control



Enter a partial or complete country code on which you want to search. You can look up valid country codes using the prompt.

Note: You can enter a country code of ALL to browse the elements associated with that country code, which is shared across multiple countries.


Click to search for country codes that match the value you entered in the Country field.

If you enter a full country code, clicking the Search button accesses the Element Browser Page for the elements associated with that country.

If you enter only a partial country code, like the letter “M”, clicking the Search button displays a list of all the countries whose country codes include the value you entered. Click a country in the list to access the Element Browser Page for the elements associated with that country.

Use the Element Browser page (GPSC_ELM_BRW_LFL) to browse element information for a selected country.

Image: Element Browser page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Element Browser page.

Element Browser page

The collapsible left panel of this page displays a list of all the elements associated with the selected country. For each element, the panel displays the element name, element description, and the two letter code indicating the element type. You can scroll through this list to browse elements, but because there are typically thousands of elements associated with each country, it is faster to use the search, filter, and sorting options available in this panel to find the elements you are looking for.

Field or Control


Remote DB Compare

Use this field to compare the selected element with the same element in a remote database. Select ‘Yes’ if you want to compare. By default , ‘No’ is selected.

On selecting the option as Yes, you will be prompted to enter the Remote DB Name.

Image: Remote Database Compare

This example illustrates the Remote Database Compare window.

Remote DB Compare

Image: Element Browser Page when Remote DB Name is selected.

This example illustrates the Element Browser Page when you have selected a Remote DB Name.

Element Browser page_DB Compare

Select the Remote DB Compare option as ‘No’ to navigate back to Element Browser landing page.

Field or Control


Search Pin Name, Code, Descr (search PIN name, code, description)

Enter a keyword here to search the list of elements by PIN name, PIN code, or description. Click the search button to display only the elements that are associated with the keyword you entered.

Filter button

Click to access the Advanced Filter page where you can filter the elements displayed in the left panel by:

  • As Of Date: This filter does not affect the list of elements in the left panel. Instead, the right panel displays element information associated with the effective date that is equal to or less than the date that you enter in this field.

  • Version: Enter a version to view only the elements with that version. This filter option is useful when looking for elements associated with a specific package or bundle.

  • Element Type: Select the element types you want to display in the left panel.

Image: Advanced Filters page

This is an example of the Advanced Filters page for the Element Browser.

Advanced Filters page

Field or Control


Sort button

Click to sort the list of elements by:

  • PIN Code

  • Element Type

  • Description

Note: By default, when you first access this page, the list of elements in the left panel are sorted by PIN Code.

The right panel of the page displays consolidated information for the element selected in the left panel. The header of the right panel displays the element name, PIN, and type in the format <Element Name> (<PIN>), <Element Type>

Field or Control


Effective Date

Select the effective date for which you want to view information for the element.

Related Actions

Click to select a related action for the element. Values are:

  • Edit: Select to access the <Element> Name Page for the element in a separate window. You can use this page along with the other pages of its component to edit the details for the element.

    Note: To see the changes you made to the element, you need to click the element in the left panel of the Element Browser page to reload it.

  • Rebuild Effdt Element Map (rebuild effective date element map): Select to rebuild the element map after adding or deleting any related element members using the Edit related action. After selecting this related action, you need to click the element in the left panel to reload the element details.

  • Compare by Effective Date: Select to compare the selected effective-dated version of an element to another effective-dated version.

    Note: This related action option is enabled only for the effective dated elements and only if the element has more than one effective dated row.

  • Compare with Another Element: Select to access the Element Compare Page where you can select the method you want to use to compare elements.

Note: The Element Definition and Comment sections of this page appear in this panel for every element. The other sections that appear in this panel are determined by the type of element being displayed. This documentation highlights the features of some of these sections.

Element Links and Hierarchy

Except for the Element Definition section, all sections of this panel display element names as hyperlinks. You can click an element name hyperlink to view that element in the right panel of the element browser. This enables you to quickly access information for related elements.

Image: Example of element links

This example illustrates element links displayed in the Calculation section of the Element Browser page.

Example of element links

As you browse through elements and click on several element links, you can go back to previously viewed elements using the element hierarchy displayed at the top of the right panel of the page. The Element Browser creates the element hierarchy by tracking the element links that you click. This navigational tool enables you to jump directly to any of the elements that you’ve viewed. The element hierarchy resets whenever you click the search button, apply a filter, or select a new element in the left panel of the page.

Image: Example of the element hierarchy

This example illustrates the element hierarchy displayed at the top of the right panel of the Element Browser page.

Example of the element hierarchy

Element Definition

This section appears for all elements. It displays the basic information for an element in a collapsible group box. For more detailed information about the fields displayed in this section, see the documentation for the <Element> Name Page.


This section appears for all elements. It displays any comments entered for the element.

Image: Example of the text in the Comment section

This example illustrates the text that may appear in the Comment section for an element.

Example of the text in the Comment section

Used By and Uses

For many elements, the right panel includes the Used By and Uses sections, which enable you to quickly see the relationship that the element has with other elements.

The Used By section displays a list of all the elements that use the element you are currently viewing. The list includes elements from all countries. It enables you to quickly identify which elements will be impacted by any modifications to the element you are viewing.

The Uses section displays a list of all the elements that the element you are currently viewing uses.

Image: Example of the Used By and Used sections

This example illustrates the Used By and Uses sections of the right panel of the Element Browser page.

Example of the Used By and Used sections

Formula Text

This section enables you to view the a formula’s text. The variables in this text are presented using a syntax that enables you to determine whether a pointer variable uses its value or the PIN (number). Pointer variables are identified in the text with the PTRVAL prefix for value and PTRNUM for PIN (number). Other variables simply have the prefix VR.

Image: Example of pointer variables used in formulas

This example illustrates how the Formula Text section identifies pointer variables used in formulas.

Example of pointer variables used in formulas

Use the Element Compare page (GPSC_ELM_CMP_SCF) to select the method you want to use to compare elements.

Image: Element Compare page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Element Compare page.

Compare Options page

This page enables you to use the Element Browser to see a detailed comparison between two elements. When you select a compare option and click Done, the comparison view of the Element Browser page uses a combination of icons, strikethrough text, and bold text to indicate new, changed, and deleted values for the elements you are comparing.

Field or Control


New/Changed icon

This icon appears next to new or changed values for the elements you are comparing.

Deleted icon

This icon appears next to deleted values for the elements you are comparing.

Image: Example of the Element Browser page using the Element Compare option

This example illustrates the Element Browser page using the Element Compare option.

Example of the Element Browser page using the Element Compare option