Defining Education-Related Information

To set up information about educational establishments and areas of study use the School Types (SCHOOL_TYPE_TABLE), Schools (SCHOOL_TABLE), Majors (MAJOR_TABLE), and Faculty Table JPN (FACULTY_TABLE_JPN) components.

These topics provide an overview of education-related information and profiles, and discuss how to define education-related information.

Page Name

Definition Name


School Types Page


Set up codes for the types of schools that employees might have attended, for example, high schools, universities, or professional schools.

Schools Page


Define codes for specific schools.

The school codes that you enter here are also available for tracking similar information either in Employee Data or in Training pages.

Majors Page


Define codes for areas of study most commonly associated with school degrees or certificates.

These values will be used for major and minor degrees.

(JPN) Faculty Table JPN Page


(JPN) Define faculties and associate sub-faculties and a major category with them.

If you want to include school type, school, major, minor, or Japanese faculty or sub-faculty codes in profiles, add the appropriate property to content sections in your profile types. These are the properties that are associated with the education tables:








  • FACULTY_CODE (for Japan)

  • FACULTY_DESCR (for Japan)

  • SUBFACULTY_CODE (for Japan)

  • SUBFACULTY_DESCR (for Japan)

The delivered PERSON profile type is configured to enable you to record employees' education information. The Education tab in this profile type has content sections for School Education, Degrees, and Areas of Study that use the information in the education tables.

The descriptions you enter in the education tables will appear in the education-related profile pages as display only when you enter the school, major, minor, faculty, or sub-faculty codes on the page.

Use the Schools page (SCHOOL_TABLE) to define codes for specific schools.

The school codes that you enter here are also available for tracking similar information either in Employee Data or in Training pages.

Image: Schools page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Schools page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Schools page

Field or Control



Enter a description of the school. When you enter a school code in the profile pages, the system enters this text in the Description field as display only.


Select the country code for the school. The country codes are stored in the Country Table. Depending on the country that you select, the system displays an associated field for defining the area of the country in which the school is located, such as State, Province, Community, Department, or Country.

Public and Private

Select to indicate whether the school is a public school or privately-funded.

(AUS) Australia

Field or Control


Institute Type

Select an institute type for an Australian school.

Use the Faculty Table JPN page (FACULTY_TABLE_JPN) to define faculties and associate sub-faculties and a major category with them.

Image: Faculty Table JPN page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Faculty Table JPN page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Faculty Table JPN page

Field or Control


Faculty Description

Enter a description of the faculty. When you enter a faculty or sub-faculty code in the profile pages, the system enters this text in the Description field as display only.

Major Category

Select a major category value.

The value that you select here is the default major category wherever you select this faculty on a profile. You can also override the default.

Sub-Faculty Code

Enter a code for the sub-faculty. You can enter multiple sub-faculties. Only sub-faculties that you enter for this faculty can be selected wherever you select the faculty on a profile.