Generating and Viewing Self-Service Reports

The Self-Service Reports pagelet appears for employees on their home page. The landing page used in the pagelet to display the tree is HCSC_SS_RPT_LNDTRE.

Image: Self Service Reports pagelet

This is an example of the Self Service Reports pagelet.

Self Service Reports pagelet

Each folder in this pagelet represents a report group. If you expand the report group, you can see all of the reports that are enabled for the employee to generate. Click a link for a self-service report to access the Statutory Reports page where you can enter parameters for the report and generate it.

Page Name

Definition Name


Statutory Reports Page


Generate a self-service statutory report.

Use the Statutory Reports page (HCSC_SS_RPT) to generate a self-service statutory report.

Image: Statutory Reports page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Statutory Reports page.

Statutory Reports page

The instructions that appear on this page are defined on the Enable Self-Service Reports Page.

Report Filters

Select any report parameters that are available for you to define. The fields that appear in this group box are defined on the Define Report Filters Page.

Click the View Report button to generate the report. The report generates a PDF document in a separate window of your browser.